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  1. German May Wine - Yahoo Recipe Search

    May Wine Punch My Version
    May wine, of German origin, is Maibowle (May-bowl) made with Rhine wine or other light, dry, white wines, Sweet woodruff is thought of as a tonic, with significant diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Its coumarin and flavonoid constituents make sweet woodruff helpful for varicose veins. Sweet woodruff has been used as an antispasmodic, and it is given to children and adults for insomnia. Known as an aromatic ingredient in May wine, making sweet woodruff an ingredient in this punch. Modern herbalists recommend sweet woodruff as a laxative and as an antiarthritic. Sweet woodruff is mainly grown today as a ground cover liking shady areas. This has an extra touch from Lavender. May Wine Topic
    Rib Eye Steak in Bock Beer Marinade
    AUS/NZ for ZWT 5 due to the influence the German culture has had on the region and the propensity for grilling! So succulent and tender you may not even need a knife. This steak is one of the top dishes served at Hudson's on the Bend, a popular Austin, TX, restaurant known for its game cooking and big-flavored, robust dishes. "These guys could cook a horseshoe and make it delicious," says CBS news anchor and frequent Hudson's diner Dan Rather in the foreword to their new book." Chef Jeff Blank offers creativity and originality in the kitchen to make him one of the most celebrated chef's in the country. Jeff has owned Hudson's on the Bend Restaurant in Austin since 1984. Prior to that, he owned and operated Wineskin Restaurant in Aspen, Colo. He was praised by the New York Times, Texas Monthly, and Chef's Magazine. In 1996 and 1997, Jeff won the People's Choice Award at the Texas Wine and Food Festival. Hudson's on the Bend was named to the "Top 50 Restaurants in America" list. (Cook time does NOT include marinating time.) Variations: This is also a wonderful marinade for baby-back ribs, portabello mushrooms, chicken . . . you get the idea. Timing: Marinate the steaks in an airtight plastic bag the day before grilling to achieve the optimum flavor. PS Tamaretta, thank you and YES this marinade is wonderful on portabellos!
    Rotwein-Nudeln (Red Wine Pasta With Spring Onions)
    Rotwein-Nudeln Mit Fruehlingszwiebeln, from a Betty Bossi cookbook (Switzerland). A Swiss friend prepared this for me when I was living overseas. It is a simple but tasty dish. The salt helps the pasta absorb the red wine color. I have translated the recipe from German so it may need some tweaking.