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  1. The Académie Suisse was a very popular, informal art school founded by Martin François Suisse (1781–1859) in 1815, and was located at the corner of the Quai des Orfévres (No. 4) and the Boulevard du Palais, in Paris, France.

  2. L'académie Suisse est un ancien atelier français de peinture ouvert à Paris dans l'île de la Cité dès 1815, au 4, quai des Orfèvres [1], et qui forma, durant une cinquantaine d'années, de nombreux artistes peintres devenus célèbres. Après 1870, elle change d'adresse et devient l'Académie Colarossi.

  3. The most famous of these, called the Académie Suisse after its owner, Charles Suisse, may have been where some of the nude studies on view—known as academies—were painted. The next room, Gallery 810, is devoted largely to monumental figure paintings by Courbet and his younger contemporary Edouard Manet.

  4. The Académie Suisse was a very popular, informal, art school founded by Martin François Suisse (1781–1859) in 1815, and was located at the corner of the Quai des Orfévres (No. 4) and the Boulevard du Palais, in Paris, France.

  5. The Académie Suisse was an informal and extremely liberal art school founded by a former painter and well-known artist’s model, François Martin Suisse (ca. 1781–1859).[4] There, in the early 1840s, Courbet began to encounter sympathetic young painters such as François Bonvin (1817–1888).

  6. The Académie Suisse was an informal yet influential Parisian art school, which the young Courbet attended in the early 1840s. It was founded by Martin François Suisse (ca. 1781–1859), the subject of this posthumous portrait.

  7. The Académie Suisse was named one of the former model Charles Suisse, in 1815 " Père Suisse " founded in Paris in public institution, the young artists who could not pay any own model, gave the opportunity in by a small contribution to the costs to devote a community studio the nude studies.

  8. However, instead of choosing the more customary career path of a Salon painter by enrolling at the École des Beaux-Arts, Monet attended the more avant-garde Académie Suisse, where he met fellow artist Camille Pissarro.

  9. The Académie Suisse was founded in about 1850 by a former artists' model called Suisse ‘in an old and sordid building where a well-known dentist pulled teeth at one franc apiece…artists could for a small fee work from the living model without any examinations or tuition’ (John Rewald, The History of Impressionism).

  10. Communauté scientifique et auditions des commissions thématiques du Parlement. Wir sind das grösste wissenschaftliche Netzwerk der Schweiz und beraten Politik und Gesellschaft in wissensbasierten und gesellschaftsrelevanten Fragen.

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