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  1. "In a Mirror, Darkly" is the eighteenth and nineteenth episodes of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Enterprise, and originally aired on April 22 and 29, 2005.

  2. Apr 22, 2005 · With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. Set in the dark and oppressive Mirror Universe, Commander Archer leads a mutiny in a bold attempt to seize control of an advanced starship - a vessel from the future that may be the key to saving the Terran Empire.

    • (2.1K)
    • Action, Adventure, Drama
    • James L. Conway
    • 2005-04-22
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    In the mirror universe, Commander Archer mutinies against Captain Forrest in order to capture a future Earth ship found in Tholian space. (Part 1 of 2)


    April 5, 2063 – From beyond Earth's atmosphere, a Vulcan ship descends and lands in Bozeman, Montana. Watched by a crowd of onlookers, a member of the Vulcan crew disembarks and approaches Zefram Cochrane. The alien performs a Vulcan salute and recites a Vulcan salutation: "Live long and prosper." Cochrane tries to imitate the newcomer's salute. After an unsuccessful attempt, he lowers his hand and, instead of holding it for a handshake (which is what happened in a similar parallel universe), he reaches into his coat and pulls out a shotgun with which he shoots the Vulcan, who instantly collapses. A bearded man in the crowd tells the other Human spectators to board the alien ship and take everything they can. Then the crowd storms the Vulcan craft with guns and attack the crew.

    Act One

    "Captain's starlog – January 13, 2155. We've left Gorlan Station and have set a course to rendezvous with our assault fleet. Major Reed and the doctor have asked for a few minutes to show me their latest project." Aboard the ISS Enterprise, Reed and Dr. Phlox demonstrate their new invention of an agony booth to Captain Maximilian Forrest and First Officer Jonathan Archer, using the booth on a Tellarite officer named Terev. The observers discuss attributes of certain torture methods. Although Reed is unsure why Terev is being punished, the Major believes all Tellarites are guilty of something. Captain Forrest exits, followed out by Archer. In a corridor, Archer reminds the captain of a proposal he made to venture into Tholian space, as Archer has received news of a technology there that would give the Terran Empire the upper hand against a rebellion. However, Forrest wants to help the Empire's assault fleet annihilate the rebels, as ordered by Starfleet. Although Forrest suspects that Archer wants to use the technology to attain personal glory, the first officer repudiates this. Archer's insistence on his plan influences Forrest to threaten the first officer with a place in the agony booth. Archer finally yields to Forrest's authority. Forrest is later busily reviewing work in his quarters when Hoshi Sato, the captain's woman, approaches, eager to relax him. They kiss passionately, Forrest conceding to her advances. Hoshi remarks that she is likely the only person aboard who doesn't want to kill him. Relaying rumor that a recent battle with the rebellion at Tau Ceti went well, Hoshi plans that – once the war is over – she will return to teaching students in Brazil while Forrest will accept a desk job at Starfleet Headquarters. He, however, explains that the battle was much worse than she has heard; Forrest implies that he is hiding the truth from the rest of the crew. Hoshi advises him to forget about the war and goes back to passionately kissing him. As Enterprise warps through space, Forrest is making his way through the ship, closely followed by a MACO, when they are ambushed by Archer and MACOs allied with him, including Major Reed in a turbolift and Sergeant Travis Mayweather. Despite Archer ordering Reed to lock Forrest in the brig, the Major is intent on killing the imprisoned captain. Archer threateningly insists that Forrest be kept alive so Reed ultimately relents. T'Pol is sitting in the bridge's command chair when Archer and his MACOs arrive. Archer seizes control of the bridge and – via a ship-wide communication that is heard by Hoshi Sato, Dr. Phlox and the disfigured Chief Engineer Charles Tucker – he assumes command of the rest of the ship, claiming that Starfleet ordered not only his takeover but also that he direct the ship on a vital, secretive mission into Tholian space. He assures the crew that if their mission is successful, Starfleet will crush the rebellion once and for all. Following the message, Archer tells a suspicious T'Pol that his orders were privately sent to him. He oversees the ship's change of course and orders T'Pol to help with the installation of a stored Suliban cloaking device, as it will be necessary to the mission. "Enterprise starlog, Captain Jonathan Archer. The crew has accepted the change of command without incident. Chief Engineer Tucker reports we'll have cloaking capability within six hours." In the captain's ready room, T'Pol reluctantly accepts that Archer is in command. He shows her Zefram Cochrane's shotgun from a century prior, wondering what might have happened if Cochrane had not used it to kill the first Vulcan who set foot on Earth. Reminding T'Pol that she is also Vulcan, Archer asserts his authority. She lets him know that they have likely already entered Tholian-occupied space, as they frequently annex systems outside of their core territory. Archer assigns her to search for a particular warp signature and, just as she is about to leave, he calls her back in with news that he is promoting her to first officer, explaining why he prefers to assign her to that position rather than Reed. Finally dismissed by Archer, T'Pol exits. He meanwhile returns Cochrane's gun to its display. Later, Archer personally promotes Sergeant Mayweather to acting as the Captain's personal guard. Mayweather starts to congratulate Archer on his successful mutiny but the newly appointed captain cuts him short, followed by snarls from a hungry Porthos. Hoshi arrives and Archer dismisses Mayweather. Hoshi admits that she knows Archer didn't receive orders from Starfleet. He shows a curious Hoshi that Forrest is still alive through an image of the brig on his desktop monitor and says the former captain will remain that way as long as Hoshi cooperates. Although she seduces Archer into accepting her continuance as the Captain's woman, she pulls a knife out while they kiss. He disarms her as T'Pol hails him. The Vulcan reports that Enterprise is approaching the sought-after warp signature and Archer warns Hoshi to be "in a better mood" upon his return. drops out of warp, nearing its target: a Tholian ship, manned by a single Tholian. Following a failed plan to tractor onto the enemy craft and a subsequent brief exchange of firepower, Enterprise disables the Tholian ship. Its pilot starts an overload in its reactor but is beamed into Enterprise's Decon chamber just as its own ship explodes. Acting on orders from Archer, Dr. Phlox delightedly begins to torture the Tholian by modifying the chamber's atmosphere.

    Act Two

    The senior staff gather outside the Decon chamber. Archer is initially startled by the Tholian suddenly appearing. He is interested to know where the Tholians have taken a Terran vessel they captured. Phlox tortures the prisoner until it admits that Archer's quarry is at an orbital facility in the Vintaak system. The Tholian then starts using its own crystalline structure to transmit a distress signal. Archer lets his senior officers know that he would prefer to keep the alien alive but unconscious until its information is confirmed. Working with T'Pol on installing the cloak in Engineering, Tucker sees to it that she has a radiation meter from engineering officer Biggs, as it will prevent her from absorbing the same kind of delta rays that disfigured him. Discussion turns, much to T'Pol's discomfort, to a past experience wherein Tucker allowed her to relieve pon farr with him. Tucker receives an electric shock from an overload sparking to the cloaking device. Archer and Reed later inquire into the incident. The captain is insistent that Tucker prioritize the cloak's repair. Reed is suspicious of the overload, while a secretly knowledgeable T'Pol watches, but Tucker objects to Reed's MACOs investigating. In the brig, Archer demands that Forrest identify the saboteur, believing it was a spy assigned by Admiral Black, but Forrest claims ignorance. Archer orders Mayweather, on brig duty, to search the captain's quarters for telltale messages from Starfleet. Mayweather complies, ignoring a cautioning of execution from Forrest. Now alone with Archer, Forrest criticizes him of having always lacked ambition. Archer brutalizes Forrest, citing his imprisonment as a sign that he is incorrect. Forrest pleads for Archer to release him, claiming consequences of both freeing him and killing him. Archer throws him against a bulkhead and departs. In the bridge's situation room, Reed explains to Archer that evidence points to Tucker as being the saboteur. Tucker is later punished in the agony booth. Through severe pain, Tucker claims he is innocent and threatens Reed for having implicated him but Reed merely teases Tucker in return. Archer suspects Tucker is Admiral Black's spy and, despite Tucker insisting to the contrary, a distrusting Archer directs Reed to continue subjecting Tucker to the agony booth. Later in the captain's quarters, Archer and Hoshi lie together, clearly having had a sexual encounter. The captain ensures that Hoshi transmitted data to the fleet admiral but only refers to it cryptically, as an "insurance policy." Archer then starts to suspect T'Pol of being the saboteur, finding that she cannot be located by the ship's computer as the overload damaged the internal sensors. T'Pol meanwhile leads a successful rescue effort to free Forrest from the brig, two Vulcan companions of hers having a brief encounter with Archer, who escapes in a turbolift. Forrest and T'Pol then retake command from the bridge but find that the ship is locked on course, which Archer personally confirms before sarcastically relinquishing command to Forrest.

    •"Captain's starlog, January 13, 2155: We've left Gorlan Station and have set a course to rendezvous with our assault fleet. Major Reed and the doctor have asked for a few minutes to show me their latest project."

    •"Enterprise starlog, Captain Jonathan Archer. The crew has accepted the change of command without incident. Chief Engineer Tucker reports we'll have cloaking capability within six hours."

    "Live long and prosper."

    (Zefram Cochrane shoots the Vulcan captain, killing him)

    "Board their ship! Take everything you can!"

    - The Vulcan captain and the grizzled man, on first contact between Humans and Vulcans in the mirror universe

    "The booth will be far more effective than our previous disciplinary methods."

    "It can stimulate the pain center of virtually any humanoid. A synaptic scan calibrates it for each species."

    Introductory details

    •Depending on counting of episodes in Star Trek: The Original Series – in particular, whether "The Menagerie" is counted as a single or double episode (Memory Alpha considers it two, with a first and second part) – this episode can either be considered as being the seven-hundredth live action episode of Star Trek or half of that "episode" (if the term is applied more loosely), with the other half being this installment's conclusion, "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II". •The title of this episode comes from a passage in the Bible (1 Corinthians 13:12 from the American Standard Version): "For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known." The same verse (in the King James Bible, the relevant text reads "For now we see through a glass, darkly") is quoted by Captain Picard in Star Trek Nemesis. •This episode is both a prequel to TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" and a sequel to TOS: "The Tholian Web". •Although VOY: "Living Witness" was the first of any Star Trek series in which none of the regular characters appear, this was the first mirror universe episode in which only the regular characters' mirror counterparts are seen. This differs from the mirror universe episodes of TOS and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, in which the "Federation Universe" characters travel to the parallel universe (and vice versa). The two-part "In a Mirror, Darkly" story of ENT takes place entirely in the mirror universe, with no crossover of any regular characters (although the Constitution-class Defiant does itself cross over and the mirror Archer has a hallucination of his prime self). •This episode contains two main elements from TOS: "The Tholian Web": the starship Defiant (whose fate is made known in this episode) and the Tholians. In fact, this episode is the first to depict a Tholian "in the flesh" since the 1968 episode, wherein only the head of a Tholian is shown. The species is revealed in this episode to be six-legged and crystalline in nature.

    Story development

    •A mirror-universe story for Star Trek: Enterprise was originally conceived as one of a couple of ways of bringing William Shatner into the series' fourth season. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD special features; (X)) As he and Paramount were unable to reach an agreement, the plans to have Shatner included in the series were discarded, the initial mirror-universe storyline ultimately being undeveloped. (X) •Nevertheless, the series' writing staff still wanted to do an episode set in the mirror universe. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD special features; (X)) The "episode in the Mirror Universe" format, as opposed to the crossovers in other series, was thereafter conceived as a way of allowing the show to visit the mirror universe, while still preserving "Mirror, Mirror" as the "obvious" first contact between the two universes. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD; Mirror Universe, Part 2, Star Trek: Fan Collective - Alternate Realities DVD special features) Writer Mike Sussman attributed this idea to Executive Producer Manny Coto and remarked, "What was great about an approach where our people weren't crossing over to the mirror universe is that you didn't have any of the moralizing speeches where Archer or somebody waves their finger and lectures these 'bad people' about 'Well, you really ought to try this other way.'" (Mirror Universe, Part 2, Star Trek: Fan Collective - Alternate Realities DVD special features) •The Defiant ended up in this story after Mike Sussman had spent years wondering about the ship's destiny, as the vessel mysteriously disappears in "The Tholian Web". The starship was also in the original pitch for an earlier ENT episode that Sussman wrote. This pitch became Season 2's "Future Tense", which also features the Tholians (although only their ships are seen and not they, themselves). Like in this episode, both Archer (albeit the Archer of the series' usual universe) and the Tholians would have been interested in the futuristic Federation starship. However, the effect that the discovery would have on the series' continuity would have been too difficult for the writers to deal with, so the ship was changed to an unrelated, even more futuristic vessel and the original premise was scrapped. When Manny Coto later wanted a mirror-universe episode to be included in Season 4, however, Mike Sussman suddenly realized (following several other ideas for the episode that, for a variety of reasons, had not worked out) that the Defiant could feature in the episode, having not only been pulled into the past but also into the mirror universe. This change of setting freed the writers from continuity concerns, as they could essentially do virtually anything they wanted in the mirror universe without violating canon. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD special features) •Manny Coto subsequently suggested that the story could be a two-parter, although Mike Sussman had only planned what would happen in the first part. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD special features) In addition, he had never before written a two-parter and, at the time he wrote this episode, it was not yet known who would be writing its conclusion. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary; Mirror Universe, Part 2, Star Trek: Fan Collective - Alternate Realities DVD special features) Because the second part would definitely be set on the Defiant, however, Sussman wanted to set some things up in this episode for the second part of the story. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD; Mirror Universe, Part 2, Star Trek: Fan Collective - Alternate Realities DVD special features) Owing to the fact that the story was his first two-parter, Sussman wanted to do justice to it and tried to invest as much time in its writing as he possibly could. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •During the writing process, Mike Sussman managed to obtain the script of "Mirror, Mirror" from Tim Gaskill and read it for the first time. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •One of the first ideas that Mike Sussman had for this episode was that Hoshi Sato would be the captain's woman. Such a dramatic reversal of the character's usual nature was not disputed by anyone involved in the episode's creation. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Even though the series' team of writers knew, early in the writing process, that they wanted Hoshi to be the captain's woman and Archer to be a beaten-down and paranoid first officer, it was not until later that the team decided what the mirror universe version of "Trip" Tucker would be like. Manny Coto wanted him to be scarred, so the Reeves-Stevens came up with the concept that the scarring was due to the radiation plating involved in Enterprise's warp reactor being not quite up to Starfleet specifications. The series' writers then recalled that Fleet Captain Christopher Pike has a disfigurement, due to delta radiation, in "The Menagerie" so they added Trip's facial scarring in this episode, with the intention of it being a small homage to Pike as well as a factor implied as motivating the character of Tucker (whose condition is less severe than Pike's, as Pike was flooded with the radiation while Tucker only received small amounts of it). (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •The writers aimed to give Mayweather a more active role in this episode than the character was usually afforded in the series. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) Author Diane Duane's decision to make the mirror version of Reginald Barclay the personal guard of Mirror Picard – in the non-canon novel Dark Mirror, which Mike Sussman read before writing the script – inspired Sussman to make Mayweather the chief bodyguard for Archer. (Information provided by Mike Sussman) Additionally, it was thought that making him Archer's personal guard would be more fun for the character of Mayweather. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Similarly, the writers wanted to make the mirror universe T'Pol more ruthless, and logical in a less compassionate and much harder way, than her counterpart in the regular universe. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Mike Sussman wrote the episode alone over the Christmas 2004 hiatus. He periodically faxed pages to Manny Coto who – although getting married in Venice, at the time – had several phone conversations with Sussman in which Coto talked about his own story suggestions, changes, and notes. Sussman was still writing this episode when the production crew started filming the second part of the two-parter. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •In the initial version of the story, T'Pol was trying to sabotage the cloaking device in order to prevent the mission going ahead. Mike Sussman thought this subplot was too straightforward, however. With Manny Coto's input, the sabotage was changed to being a diversionary act that would enable T'Pol to attain her new motive of disabling the sensors so she could free Forrest. This alteration, which Sussman found made more sense than his initial conception of the story, was made early in the writing process. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •The idea of this episode's teaser, a homage to Star Trek: First Contact, was originally suggested to Sussman by Manny Coto. Sussman was immediately impressed by the idea. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •The scene in which Reed and Phlox demonstrate the agony booth was originally scripted without Phlox's inclusion, as Mike Sussman decided only later to have the scene serve as Phlox's introduction in the episode. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Keeping Captain Forrest alive, during his capture and imprisonment by Archer, represented a slight story problem for Mike Sussman, as he needed Forrest to survive until the episode's conclusion. The involvement of Hoshi Sato allowed Sussman to solve this problem, as Forrest threatens Archer (during the scene in which they are both in the brig) that Hoshi will not forgive him if he kills Forrest. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •One of the biggest problems that Mike Sussman faced in writing this episode was how to explain away Forrest sparing Archer's life, after Forrest regains command of Enterprise. Sussman consequently added the plot point about Archer smuggling fascinating information to the admiral, via Hoshi. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Another plot problem was how to account for Forrest sending Archer to board the Defiant after Archer had betrayed Forrest. The solution – to end the scene with Forrest privately revealing to T'Pol that the reason was that he wanted her to make sure Archer didn't survive the mission – suddenly occurred to Mike Sussman and made immediate sense to him. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Mike Sussman originally wanted to save the reveal of the fact that the Defiant was from 100 years into the future until after Archer and his assault team board the vessel. Sussman found himself having to add that fact into Archer's briefing scene, as the ship would otherwise seem too insignificant at that point in the story. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •In an early draft of the script, Archer and his assault team access the Defiant Bridge by climbing through one of two hatches that are on either side of the main viewscreen. Sussman later decided to have the team enter via the turbolift, however. (Information provided by Mike Sussman) •One of the things that Mike Sussman wanted to set up for this installment's conclusion was that the characters who board the Defiant would be left with no option but to wear TOS uniforms in the story's second part. This is the real reason why Archer and his team are wearing environmental suits when they transport to the Defiant, rather than their regular Terran Empire uniforms. (Inside the Mirror Episodes, ENT Season 4 DVD; Mirror Universe, Part 2, Star Trek: Fan Collective - Alternate Realities DVD special features) •Mike Sussman found it very hard to write the scenes on Enterprise's Bridge during the final battle sequence, as most of the regular characters were off the Bridge and the episode's budget would allow Forrest to speak only with either the ship's computer voice (which was typically inexpensive to hire) or Hoshi Sato; the practicality of hiring an extra to play a speaking officer would have been prohibitively expensive. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Enterprise's prefix of "ISS" was originally present in the script's original draft but got lost in some of the subsequent versions. It is therefore not referenced in episode dialogue but does appear on the starship's hull, thanks to the series' visual effects team. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •The concept of Archer having to use an excuse before he could take control of Enterprise (specifically, his faked orders from Starfleet), was based on Chekov's use of an excuse before trying to take command from Kirk in "Mirror, Mirror". (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •T'Pol dismisses Tucker threatening her by telling him, "Threats are illogical." These same three words are taken from TOS: "Journey to Babel". In that episode, Sarek says them (adding, "And payment is usually expensive."), after Tellarite ambassador Gav threatens Sarek that he will pay. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •After writing the scene in which Archer personally confirms for Forrest that he has locked Enterprise on course for an unalterable destination, Mike Sussman realized that the plot point was a little reminiscent of Spock locking the Enterprise on course for Talos IV in "The Menagerie". In the episode's audio commentary, Sussman can be heard deciding that the reference was "a subconscious homage." (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Even Mike Sussman was unsure whether the weapons display in Enterprise's ready room was originally Forrest's or a result of a redecoration of the room by Archer, following Forrest's capture. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Although the episode does not clarify the historical accuracy of a reference (made by Archer) to the Vulcans who visited Earth in 2063 as having been an "invasion force," Mike Sussman has since stated that he didn't think the Vulcans had really been sending an invasion force but was sure that Earth's history books had subsequently recorded the Vulcans had been. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Similarly, Sussman has speculated that Mayweather would have probably been subjected to the agony booth after Archer and Reed, and that T'Pol likely got to her rank of Commander by using the same method she utilized to motivate Tucker, involving two Vulcan mind melds. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Although the episode also does not definitively establish whether or not Forrest believes Archer's claim of a future starship from an alternate universe (during Archer's briefing scene), Mike Sussman has clarified that he suspects even Forrest doubts Archer's story. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Mike Sussman found it was fun to write an ENT episode wherein none of the regular characters are friends with one another. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary)


    •One scene that was deemed unnecessary and was ultimately cut was a short sequence showing T'Pol recruiting a Vulcan security officer for her mutiny. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •The original version of the scene wherein Hoshi Sato brings a knife out while kissing Archer was initially longer than in the final version; the scene as originally scripted ended with a shot of Porthos growling. This shot was eventually deleted from an early cut of the episode, owing to the fact that the episode was running a few minutes long. Sussman initially suggested losing the opening scene featuring the agony booth, but was ultimately happy that other cuts allowed the sequence to remain intact. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •Although Sussman believed the editors could have cut the scene where T'Pol explains to Trip how she compelled him to sabotage the cloaking device, the writer found the scene both fun and important to showing how different the mirror T'Pol is from her alternate universe counterpart. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary) •A panning shot showing the Defiant's Bridge becoming energized also had to be cut short, to avoid a continuity glitch. The full version of the shot included the turbolift doors closing but the shot is followed by one in which the doors are open, so the shot was cut to the moment just before the doors begin to shut. Mike Sussman initially hoped the full version of the shot could be kept, but he was still pleased with the final version. (ENT Season 4 DVD audio commentary)


    •Scott Bakula as Jonathan Archer •John Billingsley as Phlox •Jolene Blalock as T'Pol •Dominic Keating as Malcolm Reed •Anthony Montgomery as Travis Mayweather •Linda Park as Hoshi Sato •Connor Trinneer as Charles "Trip" Tucker III

    Guest stars

    •Vaughn Armstrong as Maximilian Forrest •Franc Ross as Grizzled Man

    Uncredited co-stars

    •David Anderson as Tholian prisoner •Jef Ayres as Haynem •Craig Baxley, Jr. as ISS Enterprise tactical officer •Caroline Bielskis as Montana Earth Woman •Steve Blalock as Vulcan captain •Solomon Burke, Jr. •Dominic Calandra as Enterprise command division officer •Mickey Cassidy as M. Romero •Mark Correy as Alex •James Cromwell as Zefram Cochrane (archive footage) •Shawn Crowder as ISS Enterprise MACO •Evan English •Cully Fredricksen as Vulcan captain (archive footage) •Peter Godoy •Glen Hambly as ISS Enterprise Vulcan officer •Noelle Hannibal as Vulcan officer (archive footage) •Scott Hill as ISS Enterprise Vulcan officer •Dieter Hornemann as Vulcan officer •Yoshio Iizuka as V. Brown •April Jacobson as Terran officer •John Jurgens •Bevin Kaye as Vulcan officer •Tamara Lee Krinsky as Terran townsperson (archive footage) •Ricky Lomax as W. Woods •Andrew MacBeth as mirror •Aouri Makhlouf •James McElroy as MACO bystander •Louis Ortiz as Vulcan officer (archive footage) •Cesar Rodriguez •Rife Sibley as MACO •Paul Sklar •Pablo Soriano as Terev •Cecelia Specht •John Wan as Biggs •Eric Warfield as Defiant captain •Curtis Wong as Defiant operations lieutenant •Unknown performers as •C. Black •T. Palmer •Defiant operations ensign •Terran Empire astronaut (opening credits)

  3. Apr 29, 2005 · With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. The Mirror Universe saga concludes as Archer declares himself captain of a formidable starship from the future, while his alien crew launch a rebellion in a desperate bid to keep him from achieving ultimate power.

    • (1.9K)
    • Action, Adventure, Drama
    • Marvin V. Rush
    • 2005-04-29
  4. On the I.S.S. Enterprise, First Officer Jonathan Archer hopes to repeat history with a raid into Tholian space. The Tholians have opened a rift into a future Alternate Universe from which they've seized the Constitution -class starship U.S.S. Defiant.

  5. Apr 22, 2005 · The Enterprise reaches the Tholian base and discovers a TOS -era Constellation -class starship, the USS Defiant. Viewers with encyclopedic instant-recall of classic Trek (or, in my case, easy access to my old reviews) will remember the Defiant as the ship from TOS 's " The Tholian Web."

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  7. "Star Trek: Enterprise" In a Mirror, Darkly (TV Episode 2005) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

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