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  1. Do you find some Bible stories weird or unbelievable? Learn how God uses them to reveal his character, power and promises. Discover the meanings behind Judah and Tamar, Jesus and the fig tree, Balaam's donkey and more.

    • Human-God hybrids. The Bible also introduces mysterious superhumans that influenced God's decision to send a flood that covered the Earth. The Book of Genesis says, "The sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose," Genesis 6:2.
    • The end? Many scholars believe that the Gospel of Mark is the oldest of the Gospels, being composed around A.D. 70, about 40 years after the crucifixion of Jesus.
    • Family problems. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus has an unusual requirement for his disciples: that they have to hate their own family. "Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them, He said, 'If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, even their own life — such a person cannot be my disciple,'" Luke 14:25-26.
    • Big fish story. Did a whale really swallow Jonah? Not quite. The Book of Jonah tells of how God tried to convince a man named Jonah to travel to the city of Nineveh "and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me," Jonah 1:2.
  2. A list of 101 strange, ridiculous and contradictory stories in the Bible, such as God creating light before the sun, killing everything to make the world less violent, and enslaving the Jews for 400 years. The web page challenges the inerrancy and authority of the Bible and invites critical thinking.

    • God Exits The Closet. In this bizarre homoerotic scene, God and his human pet, Moses, decide to play a little game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
    • Jesus and the Demon Pigs. Jesus was taking a leisurely stroll through a demon-infested tomb when two violent heretics began flailing about in front of him.
    • Baldy and the Bears. After purifying the waters of a nearby town, noble Elisha was walking along the road to Bethel when an army of forty-two young boys emerged from the undergrowth!
    • Shrek in the Bible. Shrek wasn't the only fictional character with a talking donkey. A holy man called Balaam was once summoned by a king to curse his enemies.
    • The Ultimate Assassin Mode. What Happened: Ehud, left-handed judge smuggled a weapon into an evil king’s palace because they only frisked his left side, where most men would draw their sword.
    • Man Talks to Donkey; Donkey Talks Back. What Happened: The Israelites were marching into the Promised Land, conquering cities and winning battles, and the Moabite king got nervous.
    • Teens Get Mauled by Bears. What Happened: Elisha the prophet was traveling, going about his message-from-God business, when a gang of teenagers surrounded him and started harassing him, yelling insults and calling him “baldy.”
    • Action Hero Lights Foxes on Fire. What Happened: Basically, Samson took out his rage on some Philistines when they gave away his wife to another man (this is after he killed 30 people to cap off his wedding celebration, so he kind of had it coming).
  3. Mar 22, 2018 · This list of 10 interesting Bible stories help you see deeper into the lives and situations of these obscure Bible characters.

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  5. Jan 16, 2020 · From talking animals to a murderous Jesus, here are the craziest stories that didn’t make it into the Bible. Finalizing the biblical canon took a long time, and quite a few books were left on the cutting room floor.

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