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  1. Wasabi Tuna Sandwich Ingredients - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Wasabi Tuna Salad
    An eastern twist on a western favorite, the use of wasabi horseradish gives a nice compiment to the familiar flavors of tuna fish and mayo. It's simple to make and works well on its own, or as an ingredient in sandwiches or onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls). I've gotten many compliments on this recipe and it's incredibly simple to make.
    Sushi Sandwich
    Convenient way to satisfy a sushi craving. I invented this delectable open-faced "sandwich" while trying to use up leftover ingredients in a creative way. I made this with canned salmon (reminiscent of a Philadelphia roll) but I'm assuming tuna will work well also.
    Surimi Ochazuke
    Ochazuke is a simple, one-bowl Japanese dish typically made with leftover rice steeped with hot water, broth, or green tea. In this recipe, I put my own twist by incorporating Wild Alaska Pollock surimi seafood in both the dashi and the topping. You might recognize it as imitation crab, but the surimi seafood I used here is anything but: This flavorful, sustainable protein is made from real, wild-caught Wild Alaska Pollock, which is high in vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids; it also happens to be a versatile (and tasty) substitute for shellfish and tuna in salads, sandwiches, rice bowls, and more. Unlike other dashis or stocks, this recipe saves the ingredients that get strained out and repurposes them. The light and delicate flavors of the surimi, along with aromatics like garlic and onion, are infused into the dashi first. Then, once they’re removed, they get set aside and pan-fried for a crispy, protein-rich ochazuke topping. To bring even more flavor to the dish, I like to finish my bowl with a sprinkle of aji nori furikake (a roasted sesame and seaweed seasoning), chopped scallions, and tangy pickled ginger on the side, but wasabi and bubu arare (tiny Japanese rice crackers) would also make delicious garnishes.