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  1. Jan 5, 2024 · In a 2020 Pew Research Center survey, just 27% of Americans said they felt genetically modified foods are safe to eat, while 38% said they’re unsafe and 33% weren’t sure. That’s not only a U ...

    • Overview
    • What are GMOs?
    • Advantages of GMO foods
    • Is GMO food unhealthy?
    • What are examples of GMO foods?
    • The bottom line

    Although most notable organizations and research suggest that GMO foods are safe and sustainable, some people claim they may harm your health and the environment.

    GMOs, short for genetically modified organisms, are subject to a lot of controversy.

    According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), GMO seeds are used to plant over 90% of all maize (corn), cotton, and soy grown in the United States, which means that many of the foods you eat likely contain GMOs.

    This article helps explain what GMOs are, provides a balanced explanation of their pros and cons, and gives guidance on how to identify GMO foods.

    “GMO,” which stands for genetically modified organism, refers to any organism whose DNA has been modified using genetic engineering technology.

    In the food industry, GMO crops have had genes added to them for various reasons, such as improving:

    •their growth

    •nutritional content


    •pest resistance

    GMO foods may offer advantages to the grower and consumer. These can include:

    •Pest control: Many GMO crops have been genetically modified to express a gene that protects them against pests and insects. The Bt gene is commonly genetically engineered into crops like corn, cotton, and soybeans. It comes from a naturally occurring bacteria known as Bacillus thuringiensis. This gene produces a toxic protein to several pests and insects, which gives the GMO plants a natural resistance. As such, GMO crops don’t need to be exposed to harmful pesticides as often.

    •Fewer pesticides: A 2020 study notes that GMO technology has reduced global chemical pesticide use by 8.3% and indirectly reduced greenhouse gas emissions because farmers don’t need to spray their fields as often.

    •Improved survival and greater yield: Other GMO crops have been modified with genes that help them survive stressful conditions, such as droughts, and resist diseases like blight, resulting in a higher yield for farmers.

    •Increased nutritional value: Genetic modification can increase the nutritional value of foods. For example, rice high in beta carotene, also called golden rice, was developed to help prevent blindness in regions where local diets are chronically deficient in vitamin A.

    •Enhanced flavor: Genetic modification can enhance the flavor and appearance of foods, such as the non-browning apple.

    However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and USDA maintain that GMOs are safe for human and animal consumption.

    While GMO crops make farming much easier, there is some concern about their potential effect on the environment and their safety for human consumption, particularly surrounding illnesses and allergies.

    Some of the potential concerns around GMO consumption include:

    •Allergies: Because GMO foods contain foreign genes, some people worry that they harbor genes from foods that may prompt an allergic reaction. According to the FDA, researchers who develop GMO foods run tests to ensure that allergens aren’t transferred from one food to another. Research suggests GMO foods are no likelier to trigger allergies than their non-GMO counterparts.

    •Cancer: Because cancers are caused by DNA mutations, some people fear that eating foods with added genes may affect your DNA. The American Cancer Society (ACS) has stated that there’s no evidence to link GMO food intake to an increased or decreased risk of cancer, and there is no evidence that eating GMOs will change your DNA. However, more long-term human research is still needed.

    •Herbicide use: Most GMO crops are resistant to herbicides, such as Roundup, so farmers may use herbicides to kill surrounding weeds without damage to their crops. But Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate are subject to controversy because animal and test-tube studies have linked them to various diseases. There is new evidence that glyphosate exposure may increase the relative risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma by 41%.

    Although GMO foods appear safe for consumption, some people wish to avoid them. Still, this is difficult since most foods in your supermarket are made with ingredients from GMO crops.

    GMO crops grown and sold in the United States include:




    •sugar beet

    GMOs are foods that have been modified using genetic techniques.

    Most foods in your local supermarket contain GMO ingredients because they’re easier and more cost-effective for farmers, which makes them cheaper for the consumer.

    In the United States, foods grown using GMO techniques include corn, soybean, canola, sugar beet, alfalfa, cotton, potatoes, papaya, pink pineapple, summer squash, and a few varieties of apples.

    Although current research suggests that GMO foods are safe for consumption, some people are concerned about their potential health effects. Due to a lack of long-term human studies, more research is needed.

    • Corn. About 92% of corn in the US is genetically modified. GMO corn produces proteins that are toxic to certain pests, but not considered harmful to humans and livestock.
    • Soybeans. Soybeans are typically genetically modified to become herbicide-tolerant, drought-tolerant, or insect-resistant. About 94% of soybeans are GMOs, but most of the crop is used in animal feed, says Muszalski.
    • Summer squash. Genetically modified summer squash is resistant to a particular virus called zucchini yellow mosaic, which can cause severe deformations, blisters, and stunt growth of the crop.
    • Canola. About 95% of canola that's planted is genetically modified. This crop, which is used to make canola oil by crushing the seeds, is typically modified to resist herbicides and limit the weeds where it is grown, says Muszalski.
  2. Products derived from these foods, including oils, all contain traces of GMOs. The 10 most popular foods that contain GMOs are: Carbonated soft drinks (high fructose corn syrup made from sugar beets) Milk (cows are fed genetically modified soy products) Meat (farm animals are raised with genetically modified feed containing soy products)

  3. Jan 5, 2024 · There are various pros and cons of genetically modified foods (GMOs) Learn what the research says about the effects of GMO foods on human health and the environment. Medical News Today Health...

  4. Mar 18, 2020 · GMO foods have been genetically engineered to alter the DNA of the food source for some specific purpose -- a good example is the famed Flavr Savr tomato, which was genetically engineered...

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  6. A GMO (genetically modified organism) is a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its genetic material (DNA) changed using technology that generally involves the specific modification of DNA ...

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