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  1. Jan 5, 2020 · In this tutorial, we will implement a simple version of Akinator using Python. Let’s start with a simple flask web server and a basic HTML for asking our questions: templates/index ...

  2. from akinator import ( CantGoBackAnyFurther, InvalidAnswer, Akinator, Answer, Theme, ) def test() -> None: # create akinator instance aki = Akinator( child_mode=True, theme=Theme.from_str('characters'), ) # start the game, and get the first question first_question = aki.start_game() # recieve console input for first question answer = input(f'{fi...

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  4. › project › · PyPI

    Akinator-py. Python bindings for akinator-rs, a wrapper around the undocumented akinator API, made using pyo3. designed for easy implementation of an akinator game in code, providing a simple and easy to use API. Installation. Prebuilt wheels are uploaded onto pypi, if you platform is supported, you can install with: $ py-m pip install

  5. Depends on what you put for the language param in Akinator.start_game() (e.g., "", "", etc.) session. A number, usually in between 0 and 100, that represents the game’s session. signature. A usually 9 or 10 digit number that represents the game’s signature. uid.

  6. Jan 5, 2020 · Now I realize it fits perfectly with Bayes: it has some beliefs of what character you may be thinking of, then it keeps asking you questions to gather more evidence of which character it may be. In this tutorial, we will implement a simple version of Akinator using Python.

  7. Python bindings for akinator-rs, a wrapper around the undocumented akinator API. designed for easy implementation of an akinator game in code, providing a simple and easy to use API. class akinator.AsyncAkinator(*, theme=None, language=None, child_mode=None) #. Bases: object.

  8. Python bindings for akinator-rs, a wrapper around the undocumented akinator API, made using pyo3. designed for easy implementation of an akinator game in code, providing a simple and easy to use API.

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