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  1. Oct 1, 2022 · When pouring metal into a lure body, remember that the metal will flow into whatever void it can find. If the through-hole is not completely filled with something, the metal will fill it, leaving a heavy lure with a slug of metal straight down the middle.

  2. Dec 5, 2017 · Soft jaws are one of the simplest methods of customized workholding. Basically, you create an inverted version of your part within the jaws of your vise, and clamp things down. To understand soft jaws, let’s first dive into hard jaws.

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  4. Sep 4, 2022 · For years, I used metal lures for two reasons only: to reach out-of-range blitzes and to feed bluefish an offering they couldnt destroy. I bought into several widespread misconceptions about these lures: that metals only catch bass during a blitz, that metals won’t work at night, that metals need to be fished with a fast retrieve.

  5. Dec 8, 2012 · I use a conventional 3 jaw chuck, bore a set of soft jaws to fit a round part the diameter of a diagonal line across your part. Make sure you bore as deep a pocket as you can, cause you're only grabbing the corners.

  6. Aug 26, 2013 · Are there any tricks for figuring out where to set my jaws on a three jaw chuck without so much trial and error? Right now, I just mount them where I think they should go, and try to put the work in. If it fits but has too much room, I bring each one in a little.

  7. Measure Vise & Part Deflection. With the large forces applied by a vise, deflection can occur between the jaws of a vise. These jaws can deflect away from each other along their top surface, known as jaw lift (see below for more information), as well as from side to side.

  8. By far, the most common type of operation performed on a lathe is the removal of metal by cutting. Cutting tools on a lathe usually have a single cutting point. Multiple point tools such as drills, end mills, taps, and reamers will be discussed separately.

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