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  1. 5 captured. The Battle of Wyoming was a military engagement during the American Revolutionary War between Patriot militia and a force of Loyalist soldiers and Indigenous warriors. The battle took place in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania on July 3, 1778 in what is now Luzerne County. The result was an overwhelming defeat for the Americans.

  2. July 3, 1778 at Wyoming, Pennsylvania. Battle Summary. The Battle of Wyoming was also known as the Wyoming Massacre. It was an encounter between American Patriots and Loyalists accompanied by Iroquois raiders that took place in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania.

  3. The Battle of Wyoming. Late in June 1778 Colonel Denison was informed by scouts that a force of approximately seven hundred Tories, Rangers and Indians under the command of Major John Butler and Chief Sayenqueraghta of the Seneca were gathering near Pittston at Fort Wintermute. With this news the alarm was sounded.

  4. WYOMING VALLEY MASSACRE, PENNSYLVANIA. 3-4 July 1778. Although the name was applied to most of the northern quarter of Pennsylvania, the Wyoming Valley of the Revolution was the twenty-five-mile stretch of the Susquehanna River below the mouth of the Lackawanna River, including modern Wilkes-Barre. "Wyoming" comes from the Delaware Indian name ...

  5. Jul 12, 2021 · On July 3, 1778, in a pristine valley of northeastern Pennsylvania, called Wyoming, “where all save the spirit of man was Devine”, an American militia of mostly aged and young farmers, along with a small company of Continental ‘regulars’, marched out to face a near equal number of battle-tested British Tories and their Native American allies.

  6. Wyoming Massacre, (July 3, 1778), during the American Revolution, the killing of 360 American settlers in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania, part of the stepped-up British campaign of frontier attacks in the West. In early June, Colonel John Butler led a force of 1,000 loyalists and Iroquois

  7. May 16, 2018 · Description Village of Wyoming, Wyoming Valley Penn'a - scene of the massacre of July 3rd 1778 LOC 2014585100.jpg. English: Aerial view of the borough of Wyoming, the Wyoming Valley, and a section of the Susquehanna River northward to horizon. Relief shown by shading and landform drawings.

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