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  1. 10 Most Popular Dessert Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Easy Coconut Macaroon Cookies
    Coconut macaroon cookies are not only one of the most versatile cookies you’ll ever bake, but also one of the easiest, placing them at the top of our favorites list for <a href="">Christmas cookies</a> (though we’ll happily eat them any time of year).</p> <p>Originating from Italy, the name “macaroon” is derived from the Italian word maccarone, meaning “paste,” referring to the almond paste that was originally used as its primary ingredient. Over time, this simple yet delightful treat has evolved, with the most popular versions today containing sweet, tender coconut.</p> <p>While they may sound and look gourmet, you can rest easy knowing macaroon cookies are actually a breeze to make, which is why it makes for a perfect treat to share during the bustling holiday season. And with just 10 minutes of prep time, you can make multiple batches of this irresistible dessert for every occasion that calls for something sweet.</p> <p>Delight in every bite of these delicate, moist, and chewy cookies—truly a taste of holiday tradition, whatever time of the year it may be.</p>