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  1. › wiki › PhrygiansPhrygians - Wikipedia

    Map showing where Phrygian inscriptions have been found. The Phrygian language is a member of the Indo-European linguistic family with its exact position within it having been debated due to the fragmentary nature of its evidence.

  2. Nov 21, 2023 · The Phrygians were part of a migration of nomadic people from the Balkans in southeastern Europe who arrived in Anatolia, or Asia Minor, around 1200 BCE. They may be descendants of the Thracians,...

    • The Bow-Wow Theory. According to this theory, language began when our ancestors started imitating the natural sounds around them. The first speech was onomatopoeic—marked by echoic words such as moo, meow, splash, cuckoo, and bang.
    • The Ding-Dong Theory. This theory, favored by Plato and Pythagoras, maintains that speech arose in response to the essential qualities of objects in the environment.
    • The La-La Theory. The Danish linguist Otto Jespersen suggested that language may have developed from sounds associated with love, play, and (especially) song.
    • The Pooh-Pooh Theory. This theory holds that speech began with interjections—spontaneous cries of pain ("Ouch!") , surprise ("Oh!") , and other emotions ("Yabba dabba do!").
    • Ferdinand Bada
    • Africa. This name can be attributed to the Romans who referred to what is present-day Tunisia as “Africa terra.” Africa terra can be translated to mean “land of the Afri” (plural) or “land of the Afer” (singular).
    • Europe. The origins of this name come from the Latin word “Europa,” which traces its origins to the Greek language. One school of thought argues that the name traces back to ancient Greek mythology.
    • Oceania. The origin of this name is fairly simple. Oceania stems from the English word “ocean” which refers to a large water body. However, it ultimately comes from the Greek word “Okeanos” which means a great water body (sea or river) surrounding the earth.
    • Asia. This name comes from the word Ἀσία’ from Ancient Greek. Initially, it was used to refer to the eastern bank of the Aegean Sea but was later used to refer to the region of Anatolia.
  3. Nov 18, 2020 · The answer to the great question — “where did our species come from?” — has long been Africa. It was from somewhere in the African continent, most scientists believe, that modern humans evolved around 200,000 years ago before spreading across the world and becoming the dominant species we are today.

  4. Aug 11, 2020 · Creole languages most regularly came out of plantations in colonies located near the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. There are some notable outliers to this rule, with no Créole languages emerging from Brazil, while others did develop in the slave depots of Cape Verde and the Lesser Antilles.

  5. The original homeland of all ancient Semitic peoples, including Hebrews, was not northern Arabia, as is currently believed, but northwestern Mesopotamia. Around 6,000-4,000 years B.C., an ecological catastrophe in the Black Sea area forced the Indo-European tribes to migrate outward in all directions.

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