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  2. Sep 13, 2021 · Are you a peacekeeper or a peacemaker? What is the difference? There is an important difference between the two. Knowing the difference can bring you additional peace and show you which path to take. Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking. You may have grown up believing that keeping the peace is important, no matter the cost to you.

  3. May 22, 2017 · 3 Characteristics Of A Peacemaker. 1. Peacemakers share the perspective that peace must first be disrupted in order to allow for greater peace to enter. They speak up, anticipate discomfort, and hang on because they know that it has to get worst before it gets better. 2. Peacemakers take initiative to create spaces for brave conversations.

  4. Where they differ. Despite the similarities, there are many differences in these two approaches to to peace. Attributes of a peacemaker. Peacemakers operate in the authority of wisdom and in the power of love. (James 3:17, James 2:16) Peacemakers have high hopes. (Romans:15:13) Peacemakers walk in humility. (1 Peter 3:8)

    • A peacemaker has God’s peace. Take time to grow in your relationship with God and ask Him to remove your fear and fill you with His impossible to understand and explain peace.
    • A peacemaker has genuine love for others. Make love your goal. Encourage and build each other up that way when conflict and confrontation become necessary your relationship is built on a strong and healthy foundation.
    • A peacemaker prays. Ask God to help you to know if confrontation is needed. Pray for His wisdom, direction, and peace. Ask Him to help you listen with compassion.
    • A peacemaker builds trust in every relationship. Be truthful and trustworthy. Live with integrity. Reconciliation and peace are more likely when there is trust and honesty in the relationship.
  5. Nov 12, 2022 · Being a peacekeeper means trying to maintain harmony by avoiding or smoothing over conflicts. On the other hand, being a #peacemaker means actively working towards resolving conflicts and finding a #solution that works for all parties involved.

  6. Jun 19, 2017 · Simply put, we confuse peacekeeping for peacemaking. Here’s the primary difference b/n the two: Peacekeeping is passive. Peacemaking is active. In other words, we think we’re being peacemakers in the home, at work, or at church, but it’s actually the shadowy offshoot of glorified passivity known as peacekeeping.

  7. Jan 18, 2021 · Peacekeeper Versus Peacemaker: Why the Difference Matters. January 17, 2021. 3 minute read. by Jacie Scott. I found my peace in the deafening space between the woman I’d become and the woman I was meant to be. As I say it out loud, I realize “found” may not be the right word. I made it. For so long, I’d accepted someone else’s definition of peace.

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