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  1. The Reddit home for PlayStation 5 - your hub PS5 news and discussion. Consider joining r/PlayStation for your daily dose of memes, screenshots, and other casual discussion. Help me understand Fanboys. I’m a 43 year old gamer that’s enjoyed gaming on so many different platforms since the age of about 5 (alll the way to the Atari 2600).

  2. Recently, Destructoid did a rather damning editorial (or at least its lightning rod of controversy and hate that is Jim Sterling) about Sony fanboys being the worst bunch of fanboys. We disagree with him on a practical point (they're all annoying). However, Jim seems to want to do the classic mistakes that actually made us cringe worse than the BBC's Watchdog piece on the PS3 "YLoD&quot ...

  3. Shigeru Miyamoto has told CVG that he sees the invention of Microsoft's Project Natal and Sony's PS3 Move as a "great honour" - because they offer user experiences that Nintendo "originated".

  4. Justin D. Writes: "People complain about PS3 fanboys all the time. That much is a given. Whether or not it is fair that they do so, it's what goes on in the media. Hell, we had Jim Sterling use the age old "SDF" to describe them in one article (hey Jim, you do know was made by the owner to parody Sony fanboys, right? And he still denies having ...

  5. All the latest and hottest game news and rumors.

  6. Maxconsole writes: 'Court filings in the latest round of arguments show that Sony is now resorting to using fanboy comments posted on forums to promote its latest defense tactic that no one cared about other os so removing it didnt matter'

  7. Someone once said, and one may believe it applies to the gaming world right now: The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosives and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a ...

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