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  1. Contents 1House of Isenburg 2. Isenburg (pink, right) and Lower Isenburg (pink, left) around 1400. The County of Isenburg was a region of Germany located in southern present-day Hesse, located in territories north and south of Frankfurt.

  2. The Sovereign Principality of Isenburg was the name of a state of Germany during the Napoleonic Wars, based around Birstein, Büdingen and Offenbach in modern Hesse, Germany. The Principality of Isenburg, which superseded Isenburg-Birstein, was a member state of the Confederation of the Rhine and was mediatised to Hesse-Darmstadt at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. In 1801 Napoleon I Bonaparte ...

  3. William Maurice II of Isenburg-Philippseich was the son of William Maurice I, Count of Isenburg-Büdingen-Birstein (1657–1711) and his wife, Countess Anna Amalie of Isenburg and Büdingen (1653-1700), the eldest daughter of Count Johann Ernst I of Isenburg-Büdingen (1625-1673). Marriage and issues

  4. Baltimore Sun December 1892. Prince Leopold of Eisenberg, or to give his full name and title, Seine Durch Laucht Leopold Wolfgang Ernst Maria Ferdinand Karl Michael Antonius Victor Ludwig Joseph Jo hann Baptista Franz Erbprinz von Eisenberg yesterday kept himself very quiet at the St. James Hotel, only taking a short walk in the afternoon in the company of his major domo, in order to enjoy the ...

  5. It partitioned into the lines of Isenburg-Isenburg and Isenburg-Limburg-Covern in 1137, before partitioning again into smaller units, but by 1500 only the lines of Isenburg-Buedingen (in Upper Isenburg) and Lower Isenburg remained. In 1664 the Lower Isenburg branch died out.

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