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  1. William Emerson (1701-1782) was an English mathematician who published textbooks on fluxions, trigonometry and mechanics. He was a disciple of Isaac Newton and a critic of his contemporaries who misunderstood Newton's method.

  2. William Emerson (May 6, 1769 – May 12, 1811) was one of Boston's leading citizens, a liberal-minded Unitarian minister, pastor to Boston's First Church and founder of its Philosophical Society, Anthology Club, and Boston Athenaeum, and father to Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  3. William Emerson (1701-1782) was an English mathematician who published many works on mechanics, algebra, optics and astronomy. He was known for his accuracy, practicality and eccentricity, and introduced the symbol ∝ for proportionality.

  4. William Emerson (1843-1924) was a prominent architect who worked in India and designed the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta. He was also the original architect for Liverpool Cathedral and the President of the Royal Institute of British Architects from 1899 to 1902.

  5. 2nd Edition Geburtstrauma, die Auswirkungen der modernen Geburtshilfe auf die Psyche des Menschen William R. Emerson befasst sich seit mehr als 50 Jahren mit dem Vorgang der Geburt und seinen verschiedenen Auswirkungen auf die Säuglingszeit, Kindheit und das Erwachsenenalter. Seine […] Read more

  6. William Emerson was born in Concord, Massachusetts on May 6, 1769. He attended Harvard College, where he graduated in 1789. He went on to become the minister of First Church in Boston. Emerson was a founder of the Anthology Club, a Boston literary society that included George Ticknor and Daniel Webster, and he wrote articles

  7. William Emerson (1843-1924) was a prominent architect who designed many structures in India, such as the Victoria Memorial and Crawford Market in Calcutta. He also worked on some projects in England, such as Queen's Gate and Hamilton House in London, and was president of the RIBA in 1899-1902.

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