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  1. › wiki › Roushie_leidRoushie leid - Wikipedia

    Roushie or Roushian (Roushie: русский язык "rooskiy yazik") is the leid spak in Roushie. It uises the Cyrillic alphabet . It is an Indo-European leid in the Balto-Slavic faimily.

  2. › wiki › RoushiesRoushies - Wikipedia

    The Roushie (Roushie: русские, russkiye) are an East Slavic ethnic group native tae Roushie, [39] speakin the Roushie leid an primarily livin in Roushie an neebourin kintras. Accordin tae the 2010 census, ethnic Roushies mak up aboot 81% o the population o Roushie. [2]

    • Biography
    • Zionist Activism in Roushie
    • Military Career
    • Jewish Sel-Defence
    • Founder of The Revisionist Movement
    • Return Tae Palestine Blockit Bi The Breetish
    • Evacuation Plan For The Jews O Poland, Hungary An Romanie
    • Belief in Integratin The Arab Minority
    • Daith
    • Legacy An Commemoration

    Born Vladimir Jabotinsky in Odessa, Roushie Empire, he wis raised in a Jewishmiddle-cless hame an educatit in Roushie schuils. While he teuk Ebreu lessons as a bairn, Jabotinsky wrote in his autobiography that his upbringin wis divorced frae Jewish faith an tradeetion. Jabotinsky's talents as a jurnalist became apparent even afore he feenished heic...

    Efter the Kishinev pogrom o 1903, Jabotinsky jynt the Zionist movement, whaur he suin became kent as a pouerful speaker an an influential leader. Wi mair pogroms loomin on the horizon, Jabotinsky established the Jewish Self-Defence Organisation, a Jewish militant group, tae safeguard Jewish communities throughoot Roushie. Jabotinsky became the soor...

    Durin Warld War I, he conceived the idea o establishin a Jewish Legion tae fecht alangside the Breetish again the Ottomans wha then controlled Palestine. In 1915, thegither wi Joseph Trumpeldor, a ane-airmed veteran o the Russo-Japanese War, he creatit the Zion Mule Corps, whilk consistit o several hunder Jewish men, mainly Roushies, who haed been ...

    Efter Jabotinsky wis dischairged frae the Breetish Airmy in September 1919, he openly trained Jews in warfare an the uise o sma airms. Efter the 1920 Palestine riots, at the demand o the Arab leadership, the Breetish searched the offices an apairtments o the Zionist leadership, includin Weizmann's an Jabotinsky's hames, for airms. In Jabotinsky's h...

    In 1920, Jabotinsky wis elect tae the first Assembly o Representatives in Palestine. The follaein year he wis elect tae the executive cooncil o the Zionist Organisation. He wis an' a' a foonder o the newly registered Keren Hayesod an served as its director o propaganda. He quit the mainstream Zionist movement in 1923, housomeivver, due tae differen...

    In 1930, while Jabotinsky wis visitin Sooth Africae, he wis informed bi the Breetish Colonial Office that he wad no be alloued tae return tae Palestine. The muivement he established wis no monolithic housomeivver, an later includit three separate factions, o which Jabotinsky's wis the maist moderate. Jabotinsky favoured poleetical cooperation wi th...

    In the 1930s, Jabotinsky wis deeply concerned wi the situation o the Jewish community in Eastren Europe, parteecularly Poland. In 1936, Jabotinsky prepared the sae-cried 'evacuation plan', which cried for the evacuation o the entire Jewish population o Poland, Hungary an Romanie tae Palestine. In 1936, he toured Eastren Europe as weel, meetin wi th...

    Jabotinsky wis a complex personality, combinin cynicism an idealism. He wis convinced that thare wis nae wey for the Jews tae regain ony pairt o Palestine athoot opposition frae the Arabs, but he believed that the Jewish state coud be a hame for Arab ceetizens an aw. In 1934 he wrote a draft constitution for the Jewish state whilk declared that the...

    Jabotinsky dee'd o a hert attack in New York Ceety, on August 4, 1940, while visitin a Jewish sel-defence camp run bi Betar. He wis buried in New Montefiore cemetery in New York rather than in Palestine, in accordance wi the statement in his will, "I want to be buried outside Palestine, may NOT be transferred to Palestine unless by order of that co...

    Ze'ev Jabotinsky's legacy is cairried on the day bi Israel's Herut pairty (merged wi ither richt wing pairties tae form the Likud in 1973), Herut – The National Movement (a breakaway frae Likud), Magshimey Herut (young adult activist movement) an Betar (youth movement). In the Unitit States, his caw for Jewish sel defence haes led tae the formation...

  3. Nadezhdinsky Destrict (Roushie: Наде́ждинский райо́н) is an admeenistrative [1] an municipal [3] destrict (raion) o Primorsky Krai, Roushie; ane o the twinty-twa in the krai. It is locatit on the soothren coast o the krai. The aurie o the destrict is 1,595.7 square kilometers (616.1 sq mi). [4]

  4. › 13 › itemsR ou s h i e l e i d

    Jul 23, 2020 · Roushie ( Roushie : русский язык "r ooskiy yazik") is the leid spak in Roushie . It uises the Cyrillic alphabet . It is an Indo-European leid in the Balto- Slavic faimily. The Roushie l eid is the maist spak Balto-Slavic leid, an is the offeecial leid o Roushie , Belaroushie , Kazakhstan , an Kyrgyzstan .

  5. t. e. The women's modern pentathlon at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo was held on 5 and 6 August 2021. Two venues were used: Musashino Forest Sport Plaza (fencing) and Tokyo Stadium (swimming, horse-riding and combined running and shooting). [ 1]

  6. › wiki › IzberbashIzberbash - Wikipedia

    Izberbash (Roushie: Избербаш) is a toun in the Republic o Dagestan, Roushie, locatit on the coast o the Caspian Sea 56 kilometer (35 mi) sootheast o Makhachkala. Population: 55,646 (2010 Census); [1] 39,365 (2002 Census); [6] 28,122 (1989 Census). [7]

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