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  1. Cold Stone Ice Cream Flavors - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Arnold Palmer Ice Cream
    My kids are in an ice cream rut. Mostly, they like vanilla and chocolate, and little M&Ms on top. Yesterday, as the boys cut Play-Doh, I asked, "What kind of ice cream should we make?" My three year old exclaimed, "Chocolate-chocolate!" As he made a Magna-tile train station (and his younger brother played Godzilla), I asked, "If you could make any flavor ice cream, what would it be? Their happy reply: "Chocolate!" I love chocolate, but we've had it covered late spring through summer at Haagen Dazs, Cold Stone, Pinkberry and our local TLC. Then, I recalled my boys gulping my iced tea and lemonade, and thought, "Let's make Arnold Palmer!" And not just any Arnold Palmer - creamy, icy, crunchy, cold Arnold Palmer Ice Cream. I couldn't find a recipe, so we made our own. The result? Delicious! It's fresher than sunshine and has enough caffeine to no-doze a horse.