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  1. lam (piceach, nakheh; cholos): (1) The condition of being unable or imperfectly able to walk, which unfitted any descendant of Aaron so afflicted for service in the priesthood ( Leviticus 21:18 ), and rendered an animal unsuitable for sacrifice ( Deuteronomy 15:21 ).

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  3. LAME. lam (piceach, nakheh; cholos): (1) The condition of being unable or imperfectly able to walk, which unfitted any descendant of Aaron so afflicted for service in the priesthood ( Leviticus 21:18 ), and rendered an animal unsuitable for sacrifice ( Deuteronomy 15:21 ).

  4. LAME. This term describes a physical state in which a person walks with difficulty, or else is entirely unable to do so. If lameness is present at birth it is called congenital, but if it develops subsequently it is known as acquired.

  5. May 23, 2024 · Lame, a term often associated with physical disability or weakness, holds a rich significance in the Bible. In Scripture, it appears in various passages, conveying spiritual truths about faith, perseverance, and the nature of God’s kingdom.

  6. Nov 29, 2023 · In the Bible, the word ‘lame’ is used to refer to someone or something that has been weakened, disabled or made to be unable to act. It can be used to describe physical and spiritual weakness in people and can even be used to describe someone who cannot hear or has difficulty following the teachings of the Bible.

  7. 1. An impaired state of the body or limbs; loss of natural soundness and strength by a wound or by disease; particularly applied to the limbs, and implying a total or partial inability; as the lameness of the leg or arm. 2. Imperfection; weakness; as the lameness of an argument or of a description.

  8. 1. Crippled or disabled in a limb, or otherwise injured so as to be unsound and impaired in strength; as a lame arm or leg, or a person lame in one leg. 2. Imperfect; not satisfactory; as a lame excuse. 3. Hobbling; not smooth; as numbers in verse.

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