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  1. Jan 5, 2023 · Learn some pretty French words to add beauty to your life, from gorgeous to elegant to inspirational. Discover the meanings and usage of 60 uniquely beautiful French terms, such as amour, fleur, mignon, and vivant.

    • Michele Meleen
    • Staff Editor
    • Contents
    • Most Beautiful French Words: Nouns
    • Most Beautiful French Words: Adjectives
    • Most Beautiful French Words: Verbs
    • Most Beautiful French Phrases
    • Where to Find More Beautiful French Words

    1.Absolu / Absolue — absolute; no limits

    Let’s start with a big one. If you want to make your significant other melt where they stand, tell themMa dévotion envers toi est absolue. (My devotion to you is absolute.) Son dévouement est absolu envers sa famille. (Her dedication to her family is absolute.)

    2.Aile — wing

    Wings are amazing, aren’t they? They seem so delicate, yet they’re able to transport their owners—whether it be birds or angels—over long distances to see the most beautiful sights France has to offer. Les oiseaux battent des ailes pour s’envoler dans le ciel. (Birds flap their wings to take flight in the sky.)

    3.Amour-propre — self-esteem; self-love

    It’s often said that, in order to truly love others, you must first learn to truly love yourself. Writing the word amour-propreon a Post-it or anywhere you can see it can remind you that, no matter what happens, you are worth taking care of. Il a appris à cultiver son amour-propre et à s’accepter tel qu’il est. (He learned to nurture his self-esteem and accept himself as he is.)

    78. Chatoyant / Chatoyante — shimmering

    When the sun’s rays hit the Seine Riverjust right, it almost looks like the heavens—even just for a moment—came down to earth to grace us with their presence. Les ailes du papillon sont chatoyantes sous le soleil. (The butterfly’s wings are shimmering in the sunlight.)

    79. Plein de vie / Pleine de vie — full of life

    Many things can make you plein de vie, including the excitement and wonder of a new relationship or your newfound energy for a trip to France. There, you and your partner can stroll down the belles rues (beautiful streets) of France and celebrate the little things that make life wonderful. Elle est pleine de vie quand elle est avec son enfant. (She is full of life when she is with her child.)

    80.Magique — magical

    Speaking of talking candles, you can say that the entirety of the Beast’s castle is magique—or rather, under a magique spell. It’s the sort of spell that needs to be broken; however, other sources of magique(like the sights and sounds of Paris) should definitely be taken with you as wonderful memories. La nuit de Noël est toujours une période magique. (Christmas Eve is always a magical time.)

    108.Chuchoter — to whisper

    Who wouldn’t love an intimate chuchoter in French? Although it might be a little bit harder to understand, the excitement of it might send you all a quiver. Peut-être (maybe) the context won’t even matter as long as it’s in French! Il chuchote des mots doux. (He whispers sweet nothings.)

    109.Éblouir — to dazzle

    Every July 14th, Paris has a fireworks display to celebrate Bastille Day, which commemorates the fall of the Bastille—and, by extension, the tyrannical rule of the Bourbon dynasty. Eblouiris just one word of many you can use to describe this event. Le spectacle pyrotechnique a réussi à éblouir la foule. (The fireworks show succeeded in dazzling the crowd.)

    110.Éclipser — to eclipse

    No, this isn’t the phenomenon where one heavenly body gives the illusion of completely covering another. Éclipsantis when something (or someone) stands out so much that it’s hard to look at anything else but them. Sa prestation éclipsait celle de tous les autres concurrents. (His performance outshone those of all other competitors.)

    127. Coucou — hello

    Salut (hi), bonjour (hello), bonsoir (good evening)— there are many options for greetings in French. Most are dependent on the time of day and some are more formal than others. However, if you’re speaking to a friend or loved one, coucoucan be used no matter the time of day. The phrase is typically used as an initial greeting, upon arrival home for example. Coucoumon chéri. (Hello my love.)

    128. Bon vivant — good liver

    Bon vivant literally translates to “good liver” in English, which doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, although we would refer to a bon vivantas someone who “lives it up.” The French use this as a way to describe someone who enjoys the finer things in life. An example would be: Tu sais que Depardieu boit 14 bouteilles d’alcool par jour ? (Did you know Depardieu drinks 14 bottles of alcohol per day?) N’importe quoi ! Mais c’est vrai que c’est un bon vivant ! (No way! Although it’s true that...

    129. Je t’aime — I love you

    With all the beautiful French phrases out there, this is probably the one that carries the most weight. Remember that words are ordered differently in French than in English. So instead of having “you” at the end of “I love you,” the t’ (you) is in the middle of the sentence: Je t’aime (Literally: I you love).

    These are just a few examples of beautiful words in French. Believe me, I could carry on all day, but even with just a tidbit of knowledge I think my point is made. Though if you do want to find more beautiful French words, you can’t go wrong with immersion. Surround yourself with the language and its beauty will naturally make its way into your li...

  2. 113 Beautiful French Words & Phrases to Add a Little Magic. Words are very powerful in any language. So why not enrich your vocab with some unique, cool, weird and beautiful French words. Époustouflant !

  3. Beautiful French words, their meanings and example usages. The table below contains beautiful French nouns, adjectives and phrases, their English definitions, examples of the word being used, some contexts in which they’re used and some alternative meanings.

  4. Aug 22, 2024 · Learn over 60 beautiful French words, including verbs that simply don’t translate into English. Pronounce unique words that are fun to say!

  5. Jun 13, 2024 · Even the most common French words have a unique charisma that attracts learners worldwide. This guide will explore some of the most beautiful French words, their meanings, and why they resonate with so many people around the globe.

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