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  1. CHILDREN AT RISK focuses on 3 key areas that can help break the cycle of poverty and enable children to learn, thrive, and meet their full potential. We are committed to viewing all the work we do with an Equity & Justice lens and an Immigrant Children lens.

  2. CHILDREN AT RISK considers the whole child by tracking issues in children’s health, safety, education, and economic security to improve equity and justice for all Texas families. Committed to action beyond the data, CHILDREN AT RISK drives evidence-based change by speaking out on behalf of children.

  3. Mar 6, 2024 · CHILDREN AT RISK conducts research to understand trends, inequities, resources, and opportunities in public education. We use that research to advocate for policy change at the local, state, and federal levels.

  4. Jan 22, 2024 · 2022-2023 CHILDREN AT RISKs Annual School Rankings. For the past nineteen years, CHILDREN AT RISK (C@R) has ranked and graded Texas public schools to help parents, educators, and community members better understand how their local schools are performing.

  5. Jun 11, 2024 · Early Childhood Education lays the foundation for a child’s future. CHILDREN AT RISK is working to ensure every child and family has access to affordable high-quality early education programs and strengthening an early childhood workforce that is prepared, rewarded, and supported.

  6. Children At Risk is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that drives changes for children through research, education, and influencing public policy.

  7. Jun 11, 2024 · Through strategic partnerships, CHILDREN AT RISK researches trends, inequities, resources, and opportunities to improve public education. We use this research to educate policymakers and advocate for better education policies.

  8. Mar 15, 2024 · Advocates for strategies to increase access to healthy foods, policies that protect recess and outdoor playtime for children in schools, supports maternal health, and extends health coverage for children.

  9. Feb 14, 2023 · FOR CHILDREN! Since 1989, CHILDREN AT RISK has helped children overcome the challenges of growing up. We know that kids are at risk for many different reasons, including poverty, abuse and neglect, discrimination, lack of quality education, or healthcare access.

  10. Feb 14, 2022 · CHILDREN AT RISK Releases 2021 Annual Report. Since 1989, CHILDREN AT RISK has helped children overcome the challenges of growing up. We know that kids are at risk for many different reasons, including poverty, abuse and neglect, discrimination, lack of quality education, or healthcare access.

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