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  1. Welcome to KoboldAI on Google Colab, GPU Edition! KoboldAI is a powerful and easy way to use a variety of AI based text generation experiences. You can use it to write stories, blog posts,...

  2. ColabKobold GPU - Colab. KoboldAI 0cc4m's fork (4bit support) on Google Colab. This notebook allows you to download and use 4bit quantized models (GPTQ) on Google Colab. How to use. If...

    • Overview
    • Multiple ways to play
    • Play KoboldAI online for free on Google Colab (The easiest way to play)
    • Tips to get the most out of Google Colab
    • Install KoboldAI on your own computer
    • Softprompts
    • Userscripts
    • API
    • Contributors

    KoboldAI - Your gateway to GPT writing

    This is a browser-based front-end for AI-assisted writing with multiple local & remote AI models. It offers the standard array of tools, including Memory, Author's Note, World Info, Save & Load, adjustable AI settings, formatting options, and the ability to import existing AI Dungeon adventures. You can also turn on Adventure mode and play the game like AI Dungeon Unleashed.

    Stories can be played like a Novel, a text adventure game or used as a chatbot with an easy toggles to change between the multiple gameplay styles. This makes KoboldAI both a writing assistant, a game and a platform for so much more. The way you play and how good the AI will be depends on the model or service you decide to use. No matter if you wan...

    If you would like to play KoboldAI online for free on a powerful computer you can use Google Colaboraty. We provide two editions, a TPU and a GPU edition with a variety of models available. These run entirely on Google's Servers and will automatically upload saves to your Google Drive if you choose to save a story (Alternatively, you can choose to download your save instead so that it never gets stored on Google Drive). Detailed instructions on how to use them are at the bottom of the Colab's.

    Each edition features different models and requires different hardware to run, this means that if you are unable to obtain a TPU or a GPU you might still be able to use the other version. The models you can use are listed underneath the edition. To open a Colab click the big link featuring the editions name.

    •Google will occationally show a Captcha, typically after it has been open for 30 minutes but it can be more frequent if you often use Colab. Make sure to do these properly, or you risk getting your instance shut down and getting a lower priority towards the TPU's.

    •KoboldAI uses Google Drive to store your files and settings, if you wish to upload a softprompt or userscript this can be done directly on the Google Drive website. You can also use this to download backups of your KoboldAI related files or upload models of your own.

    •Don't want to save your stories on Google Drive for privacy reasons? Do not use KoboldAI's save function and instead click Download as .json, this will automatically download the story to your own computer without ever touching Google's harddrives. You can load this back trough the Load from file option.

    •Google shut your instance down unexpectedly? You can still make use of the Download as .json button to recover your story as long as you did not close the KoboldAI window. You can then load this back up in your next session.

    •Done with KoboldAI? Go to the Runtime menu, click on Manage Sessions and terminate your open sessions that you no longer need. This trick can help you maintain higher priority towards getting a TPU.

    •Models stored on Google Drive typically load faster than models we need to download from the internet.

    KoboldAI has a large number of dependencies you will need to install on your computer, unfortunately Python does not make it easy for us to provide instructions that work for everyone. The instructions below will work on most computers, but if you have multiple versions of Python installed conflicts can occur.

    Softprompts (also known as Modules in other products) are addons that can change the output of existing models. For example you may load a softprompt that biases the AI towards a certain subject and style like transcripts from your favorite TV show.

    Since these softprompts are often based on existing franchises we currently do not bundle any of them with KoboldAI due to copyright concerns (We do not want to put the entire project at risk). Instead look at community resources like #softprompts on the KoboldAI Discord or the community hosted mirror.

    That way we are better protected from any DMCA claims as things can be taken down easier than directly on Github. If you have a copyright free softprompt that you made from scratch and is not based on existing IP that you would like to see officially bundled with KoboldAI issue a pull request with your softprompt.

    Training softprompts can be done for free with the Easy Softprompt Tuner, in that case you can leave most of the settings default. Your source data needs to be a folder with text files that are UTF-8 formatted and contain Unix line endings.

    Userscripts are scripts that can automate tasks in KoboldAI, or modify the AI behavior / input / output.

    Scripting is done in LUA5.4 (Lua does not need to be separately installed as long as you got all the python requirements) and has sandboxing to help protect you from malicious behavior. Even with these measures in place we strongly advise you only run userscripts from places you trust and/or understand, otherwise consult the community for advice on how safe the script might be.

    Inside the userscripts folder you will find our kaipreset scripts, these are default scripts that we think will be useful for our users. These scripts are automatically overwritten when you update KoboldAI, if you wish to modify these scripts make sure to first rename them to something else that does not contain kaipreset so your changes are not lost. These scripts range from a You Bias filter that prevents the AI from addressing characters as you. Ways to be able to prevent the AI from using words, word replacements and more.

    Along with our preset scripts we also ship examples in the examples folder that merely serve as a demonstration and do not enhance your usage of KoboldAI. To use these scripts make sure to move them out of the examples folder before either using or modifying the script.

    Lastly the all the features of our userscript API are documented inside the API Documentation files inside the userscripts folder.

    For our TPU versions keep in mind that scripts modifying AI behavior relies on a different way of processing that is slower than if you leave these userscripts disabled even if your script only sporadically uses this modifier. If you want to partially use a script at its full speed than you can enable "No Gen Modifiers" to ensure that the parts that would make the TPU slow are not active.

    KoboldAI has a REST API that can be accessed by adding /api to the URL that Kobold provides you (For example

    When accessing this link in a browser you will be taken to the interactive documentation.

    This project contains work from the following contributors :

    •The Gantian - Creator of KoboldAI, has created most features such as the interface, the different AI model / API integrations and in general the largest part of the project.

    •VE FORBRYDERNE - Contributed many features such as the Editing overhaul, Adventure Mode, expansions to the world info section, breakmodel integration, scripting support, API, softpromtps and much more. As well as vastly improving the TPU compatibility and integrating external code into KoboldAI so we could use official versions of Transformers with virtually no downsides.

    •Henk717 - Contributed the installation scripts, this readme, random story generator, the docker scripts, the foundation for the commandline interface and other smaller changes as well as integrating multiple parts of the code of different forks to unite it all. He also optimized the model loading so that downloaded models get converted to efficient offline models and that in future models are more likely to work out of the box. Not all code Github attributes to Henk717 is by Henk717 as some of it has been integrations of other people's work. We try to clarify this in the contributors list as much as we can.

    •Ebolam - Automatic Saving, back/redo, pinning, web loading of models

    •one-some, Logits Viewer and Token Streaming

  3. This guide should be mostly fool-proof if you follow it step by step. After I wrote it, I followed it and installed it successfully for myself. 1. Install Linux distro 22.04 (Quick Dual boot Tutorial at end) 2.

  4. Download the latest koboldcpp.exe release here; To run, simply execute koboldcpp.exe. Launching with no command line arguments displays a GUI containing a subset of configurable settings. Generally you dont have to change much besides the Presets and GPU Layers. Read the --help for more info about each settings.

  5. OP • 3 yr. ago. I finally managed to make this unofficial version work, its a limited version that only supports the GPT-Neo Horni model, but otherwise contains most features of the official version. This will hopefully carry you over until the developer releases the improved Colab support.

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  7. › github › KoboldAIGoogle Colab

    You can use our GPU colab and select the United version to load models up to 13B. Both versions are capable of using our API and will work as you expect from a KoboldAI product. If you are...

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