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  1. Four women in the Old Testament are pictures of the Bride of Christ. Each woman gives us insight into the different ways in which we relate to Jesus as our Bridegroom God. Eve: She is a “suitable companion,” relating to God in intimacy without shame (Gen. 2:18-. 24).

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  2. Jan 14, 2024 · By identifying Jesus as the bridegroom, John the Baptist establishes his own identity as the “best man” or close friend of the groom. His role is to prepare the way for the groom and then step aside when the bridegroom appears to claim his bride.

    • Jewish Weddings
    • The Bridegroom
    • The Invitation
    • Conclusion

    Today’s Jewish weddings still retain some of the traditions of old like having two witnesses sign the ketubah, and the groom giving the bride her ring under a wedding canopy, and like many marriages today, the Jews also considered the marriage ceremony as a sacred event as this act is done before God and many witnesses. One thing that differs betwe...

    The Christian recognizes that Jesus is the Bridegroom, and not just from the Book of Revelation. In fact, Jesus revealed the identity of the Bridegroom when John the Baptist’s disciples asked Him why His disciples didn’t fast like they do. Jesus replied,“Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when th...

    Long before a wedding, there are invitations sent out and whoever is invited may come. In a parable about a wedding feast, Jesus was showing that the “bridal party” must seek out others to bring to the wedding, and in this context, He said, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants ...

    The marriage between Christ and the church really was a marriage made in heaven because it was from the will of God. When Jesus returns for His church and then brings them to Himself, the joyous occasion is the marriage feast of the wedding between the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and the church. The Apostle John wrote of this time, writing “Let us r...

  3. Greek and Hebrew words, as well as biblical metaphors, also bring the Scriptures to life. Thieme’s Bible Doctrine Dictionary delineates over eight hundred terms and related doctrines

  4. Jan 23, 2023 · The word bridegroom appears in the Bible in both Testaments and carries the same meaning: the husband of the bride. The word bridegroom is used often in the Bible as a metaphor for God, specifically for Jesus Christ. The church is likened to a bride with Christ as her bridegroom.

  5. Apr 4, 2004 · Verse 6: “But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’” 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says, “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.”

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  7. When you read through the Bible for the first time --- and even many more times --- there will be some things which you will not be able to understand. If you need to know the meaning of a specific word or phrase, you can refer to your KJV Bible Glossary & Dictionary for many of such words and phrases. The more

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