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  1. 1.1 The Language of Mathematics Expressions versus Sentences a hypothetical situation Imagine the following scenario: you are sitting in class, and the instructor passes a small piece of paper to each student. You are told that the paper contains a paragraph on Study Strategies for Students of Mathematics; your job is to read it and paraphrase it.

  2. Solution. Step 1: Read the problem carefully. We must find an unknown number. Step 2: Choose a variable to represent the unknown. . Let x = the number. Step 3: Translate the information into an algebraic equation by rereading the problem slowly and “in parts.” Statement: Meaning: Twelve more than. add 12 to. Equation: + 12.

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  3. Symbol and Cue Cards. Create a set of symbol cards and matching cue cards as shown on the following pages. Symbol cards: Cards containing math terms, expressions, equations, etc. Cue cards: Cards containing phrases that match one or more of the symbol cards.

  4. The language of mathematics can be learned, but requires the e orts needed to learn any foreign language. In this book, you will get extensive practice with mathematical language ideas, to enhance your ability to correctly read, write, speak, and understand mathematics. vocabulary versus sentences

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  5. ls for retention to occur.Summary• Vocabulary is an essentia. element of solving word problems.• In mathematics, what might be thought of as Tie. One words can prove to be tricky. Consider the use of. the words, ‘and’ and ‘or’. When applied to Venn diagrams these words change meaning dramatica.

  6. Learn how to use "commissariat" in a sentence with 23 example sentences on YourDictionary.

  7. algebraic expression An expression that contains a variable. For example, if Maria is 2 inches taller than Joe and if the variable M represents Maria’s height, then the algebraic expression. M - 2 represents Joe’s height. See algebra and Section 17.2: Algebra and Uses of Variables.

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