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  1. Mar 22, 2021 · Additionally, attorneys may face discipline for failing to preserve relevant evidence under the California Business and Professions Code (“Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code”) and the California Rules of Professional Conduct (“Cal. Rules Prof. Conduct”).

  2. Jun 20, 2023 · California'sfailure to protect” law holds parents responsible for “willful or negligent failure” to safeguard their children from harm or the risk of harm.

  3. Sep 8, 2016 · Under “general neglect, failure to protect,” language was added to specifically identify situations where “a child has been exploited by a third party and the person responsible for the child’s care has failed or been unable to protect the

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  4. Across California, service providers working with victims of domestic violence say it’s commonplace for clients to be charged with “failure to protect” their children from exposure to their abuser’s violence.

    • Does the law require employers to report workplace violence events to Cal/OSHA? Employers need to report only “serious” injuries or fatalities as required by Title 8 CCR §330(h) and §342.
    • Are employers with less than 10 employees automatically exempt from SB 553’s coverage? No. However, the law exempts worksites with less than 10 employees.
    • Are healthcare facilities required to comply with SB 553 and the Violence Prevention in Healthcare Regulation, §3342? No. Health facilities are only required to comply with the Cal/OSHA regulation.
    • Does SB 553 require employers to provide training to all employees regardless of which state they are in or does this new law only apply in California?
  5. Dec 11, 2023 · Californiasfailure to protectlaw allows child welfare agencies to take kids from homes scarred by domestic abuse, which some say can worsen trauma.

  6. Given the risk of harm to others, including law enforcement themselves, and the confiscation element to these laws, if your patient makes a Threat, and you are aware that your patient has Weapons, you should include that information in the Duty to Report.