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      • IMPOTENT im'-po-tent (astheneo, adunatos): The verb signifies "to be without strength," and derivatives of it are used in John 5:3,7 the King James Version and Acts 4:9 to characterize the paralyzed man at Bethesda and the cripple at the Temple gate. › dictionary › impotent
  1. 1. Want of strength or power, animal or intellectual; weakness; feebleness; inability; imbecility; defect of power, natural or adventitious, to perform any thing. Some were poor by the impotency of nature; as young fatherless children, old decrepit persons, idiots and cripples.

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  3. Lacking power, strength, or vigor; helpless. Impotence in the KJV never refers to sexual inability. Modern translations replace impotent with other terms: cripple (Acts 4:9 NIV); disabled (John 5:3 NIV); invalid (John 5:3 NRSV); sick (John 5:3,John 5:3, 5:7; Acts 4:9 NAS).

  4. One who is impotent. im'-po-tent (astheneo, adunatos): The verb signifies "to be without strength," and derivatives of it are used in John 5:3, 7 the King James Version and Acts 4:9 to characterize the paralyzed man at Bethesda and the cripple at the Temple gate.

  5. impotence. —The single instance of our Lord’s miracles specifically classified under this head is recorded in John 5:2-9 , where the sufferer is described as ὁ ἀσθενῶν (Authorized Version ‘the impotent man,’ Revised Version NT 1881, OT 1885 ‘the sick man’).

  6. 1. Weak; feeble; wanting strength or power; unable by nature, or disabled by disease or accident to perform any act. I know thou wast not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. 2. Wanting the power of propagation, as males. 3. Wanting the power of restraint; not having the command over; as impotent of tongue. IM'POTENT, noun One who is feeble ...

  7. IMPOTENT. This word, now obsolescent in common speech, means literally ‘without strength.’ It is used as the tr. [Note: translate or translation.] of Gr. words which mean ‘without power’ ( Bar 6:28 , Acts 14:8) or ‘without strength’ (John 5:3; John 5:7, Acts 4:9).

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