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  1. Nov 6, 2015 · What You’ll Learn. You will describe and compare the major types of plant cells and tissues. You will identify and analyze the structure and functions of roots, stems, and leaves. You will identify plant hor-mones and determine the nature of plant responses.

  2. • Explain how both simple and complex organisms are composed of cells that perform essential functions. • Recognize the importance of microscopy in the discovery of cells. Day 1 Activity A. Quick Write (2 to 4 Mins) What Do You Already Know about Cells? What are all living things made of? B. Reading

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  3. The goal of this tutorial is for you to be able to describe cell theory, differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and understand cell structure and function.

  4. Function Cards. Captures energy from the sunlight and uses it to produce food in a plant cells. Receives proteins & materials from the ER, packages them, & distributes them. Controls what comes into and out of a cell; found in plant and animal cells.

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  5. 6CO2 + 6H20 + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that plants are able to harness the energy of the sun to turn CO2 from the air into the carbon-based molecules of life — carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Plants capture the sun’s light within their green leaves.

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  6. The plant body, shown here as a tomato plant, consists of the shoot system (leaves, buds, stems, flowers and fruits) and the root system (roots). Each organ is made up of cells organized into tissue systems: dermal, vascular and ground.

  7. functions. Green plants produce their own food by using energy from the sun to combine raw materials to make sugar. This process is called photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide + water + sun's energy -----> sugar + oxygen Animals and non-green plants, such as mushrooms, cannot produce their own food.

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