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  1. DEFINITION OF STEM CELLS USUALLY CALLED "STEM CELLS" BUT DEBATED ES cells derived of embryos from IVF clinic. Donated for research purposes w/ informed consent of donors. Not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body. Embryos 4-5 days old. Inner cell mass about 30 cells. SOURCE OF ES CELLS NIH stem cell website ICM = inner cell mass

  2. · resource · 11278Understanding Stem Cells

    During early development, as well as later in life, various types of stem cells give rise to the specialized or differentiat-ed cells that carry out the spe-cific functions of the body, such as skin, blood, muscle, and nerve cells.

  3. Stem cells are the starting point from which the rest of the body grows. The adult human body is made up of hundreds of millions of different types of cells specialized for different tasks. Nerve cells for the brain and nervous system; muscle cells; red blood cells to carry oxygen; white blood cells to fight infection; gut cells to absorb ...

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    • Overview
    • Embryonic stem cells
    • Mouse embryonic stem cells
    • Human embryonic stem cells
    • Embryonic germ cells

    stem cell, an undifferentiated cell that can divide to produce some offspring cells that continue as stem cells and some cells that are destined to differentiate (become specialized). Stem cells are an ongoing source of the differentiated cells that make up the tissues and organs of animals and plants. There is great interest in stem cells because ...

    Embryonic stem cells (often referred to as ES cells) are stem cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of a mammalian embryo at a very early stage of development, when it is composed of a hollow sphere of dividing cells (a blastocyst). Embryonic stem cells from human embryos and from embryos of certain other mammalian species can be grown in...

    The most-studied embryonic stem cells are mouse embryonic stem cells, which were first reported in 1981. This type of stem cell can be cultured indefinitely in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a glycoprotein cytokine. If cultured mouse embryonic stem cells are injected into an early mouse embryo at the blastocyst stage, they will become integrated into the embryo and produce cells that differentiate into most or all of the tissue types that subsequently develop. This ability to repopulate mouse embryos is the key defining feature of embryonic stem cells, and because of it they are considered to be pluripotent—that is, able to give rise to any cell type of the adult organism. If the embryonic stem cells are kept in culture in the absence of LIF, they will differentiate into “embryoid bodies,” which somewhat resemble early mouse embryos at the egg-cylinder stage, with embryonic stem cells inside an outer layer of endoderm. If embryonic stem cells are grafted into an adult mouse, they will develop into a type of tumour called a teratoma, which contains a variety of differentiated tissue types.

    Mouse embryonic stem cells are widely used to create genetically modified mice. This is done by introducing new genes into embryonic stem cells in tissue culture, selecting the particular genetic variant that is desired, and then inserting the genetically modified cells into mouse embryos. The resulting “chimeric” mice are composed partly of host cells and partly of the donor embryonic stem cells. As long as some of the chimeric mice have germ cells (sperm or eggs) that have been derived from the embryonic stem cells, it is possible to breed a line of mice that have the same genetic constitution as the embryonic stem cells and therefore incorporate the genetic modification that was made in vitro. This method has been used to produce thousands of new genetic lines of mice. In many such genetic lines, individual genes have been ablated in order to study their biological function; in others, genes have been introduced that have the same mutations that are found in various human genetic diseases. These “mouse models” for human disease are used in research to investigate both the pathology of the disease and new methods for therapy.

    Extensive experience with mouse embryonic stem cells made it possible for scientists to grow human embryonic stem cells from early human embryos, and the first human stem cell line was created in 1998. Human embryonic stem cells are in many respects similar to mouse embryonic stem cells, but they do not require LIF for their maintenance. The human embryonic stem cells form a wide variety of differentiated tissues in vitro, and they form teratomas when grafted into immunosuppressed mice. It is not known whether the cells can colonize all the tissues of a human embryo, but it is presumed from their other properties that they are indeed pluripotent cells, and they therefore are regarded as a possible source of differentiated cells for cell therapy—the replacement of a patient’s defective cell type with healthy cells. Large quantities of cells, such as dopamine-secreting neurons for the treatment of Parkinson disease and insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells for the treatment of diabetes, could be produced from embryonic stem cells for cell transplantation. Cells for this purpose have previously been obtainable only from sources in very limited supply, such as the pancreatic beta cells obtained from the cadavers of human organ donors.

    The use of human embryonic stem cells evokes ethical concerns, because the blastocyst-stage embryos are destroyed in the process of obtaining the stem cells. The embryos from which stem cells have been obtained are produced through in vitro fertilization, and people who consider preimplantation human embryos to be human beings generally believe that such work is morally wrong. Others accept it because they regard the blastocysts to be simply balls of cells, and human cells used in laboratories have not previously been accorded any special moral or legal status. Moreover, it is known that none of the cells of the inner cell mass are exclusively destined to become part of the embryo itself—all of the cells contribute some or all of their cell offspring to the placenta, which also has not been accorded any special legal status. The divergence of views on this issue is illustrated by the fact that the use of human embryonic stem cells is allowed in some countries and prohibited in others.

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    Embryonic germ (EG) cells, derived from primordial germ cells found in the gonadal ridge of a late embryo, have many of the properties of embryonic stem cells. The primordial germ cells in an embryo develop into stem cells that in an adult generate the reproductive gametes (sperm or eggs). In mice and humans it is possible to grow embryonic germ ce...

  4. What is a stem cell? A primitive cell which can either self renew (reproduce itself) or give rise to more specialised cell types The stem cell is the ancestor at the top of the family tree of related cell types. One blood stem cell gives rise to red cells, white cells and platelets

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  5. Human Stem Cell Technology and Biology: A Research Guide and Laboratory Manual will greatly benefit both established investigators and newcomers in the stem cell field.

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  7. Presenter’s notes. Each slide in the Basics and Cloning sections includes notes that give a simple, jargon-free explanation of the key points. The more detailed slides in the last section have much briefer notes and assume some knowledge of stem cell science.

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