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  1. Human Stem Cell Technology and Biology: A Research Guide and Laboratory Manual will greatly benefit both established investigators and newcomers in the stem cell field.

  2. 01. What are stem cells? Learn what stem cells are and how they differ from other cell types. 03. Types of stem cells? Learn the different types of stem cells and why they’re important. 02. What do stem cells do? Learn what role stem cells play in the body. What is their job? 04. Why do we care in medicine? Learn the current research.

  3. Scientists add particular genes to cells from the body to make them behave like embryonic stem cells. Genes give cells instructions about how to behave. So, this process is a bit like changing the instructions in a computer programme to make the computer do a new task.

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  4. What is a stem cell? A primitive cell which can either self renew (reproduce itself) or give rise to more specialised cell types The stem cell is the ancestor at the top of the family tree of related cell types. One blood stem cell gives rise to red cells, white cells and platelets. Stem Cells Vary in their Developmental capacity. A multipotent.

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  5. · resource · 11278Understanding Stem Cells

    During early development, as well as later in life, various types of stem cells give rise to the specialized or differentiat-ed cells that carry out the spe-cific functions of the body, such as skin, blood, muscle, and nerve cells.

  6. DEFINITION OF STEM CELLS USUALLY CALLED "STEM CELLS" BUT DEBATED ES cells derived of embryos from IVF clinic. Donated for research purposes w/ informed consent of donors. Not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body. Embryos 4-5 days old. Inner cell mass about 30 cells. SOURCE OF ES CELLS NIH stem cell website ICM = inner cell mass

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  8. Stem cells are the starting point from which the rest of the body grows. The adult human body is made up of hundreds of millions of different types of cells specialized for different tasks. Nerve cells for the brain and nervous system; muscle cells; red blood cells to carry oxygen; white blood cells to fight infection; gut cells to absorb ...

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