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  1. Sep 7, 2023 · Language Acquisition in psychology refers to the process by which humans acquire the ability to perceive, produce, and use words to understand and communicate. This innate capacity typically develops in early childhood and involves complex interplay of genetic, cognitive, and social factors.

  2. Mar 8, 2024 · Key points. Humans acquire language with very limited training data, whereas ChatGPT requires massive amounts data. What are the differences between humans and computers when it comes to natural...

  3. Sep 28, 2018 · What is language acquisition theory, what are the stages of learning a language, and what neurocognitive research is available on language acquisition theory? How does language work in the brain ? How do our brains develop a second language or sign language?

  4. This paper aims to review mainstream cognitive research on language acquisition to support these behavioral predictions – and thus directly support a behavior analytic perspective itself.

  5. Bilingual language acquisition: Where does the difference lie? Human Development, 53, 245–255. An overview of bilingual language acquisition, focusing on many of the first steps in infancy also covered in this article.

  6. Negotiated interaction activates cognitive learning processes that involve processing (modified) input, receiving corrective feedback (CF), and producing (modified) output, during which learner attention is directed to L2 linguistic features, leading to noticing and in turn L2 development.

  7. In this chapter, we describe the constructs and working assumptions that characterize such approaches to language learning, with a particular focus on their cognitive underpinnings and how these explain differences between the linguistic forms that distinguish L1 and L2 speakers.