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  1. Hazel Levesque is one of the main characters in The Heroes of Olympus series and is one of the seven in the second great prophecy. She is a daughter of Pluto and Marie Levesque and she is Nico di Angelo's half sister.During The Son of Neptune she falls in love with Frank Zhang.

    • Overview
    • History
    • The Heroes of Olympus
    • Between the Series
    • The Chalice of the Gods
    • The Trials of Apollo
    • Appearance
    • Personality
    • Abilities

    Hazel Levesque is one of the seven heroes of the Prophecy of Seven. She is a fifteen-year-old Roman demigod, the daughter of Pluto and Marie Levesque, and the half-sister of Nico di Angelo and the late Bianca di Angelo. She is the current Praetor of Camp Jupiter and the former Centurion of the Fifth Cohort. She is currently in a relationship with h...

    Early Life

    On December 17, 1928, Hazel was born to Marie Levesque and the god Pluto in New Orleans, Louisiana. Marie had summoned Pluto using a spell that Hecate had found, and they fell in love. Pluto loved Marie, telling her she was brave and beautiful. After Hazel was born, Pluto was proud and swore on the River Styx that he would give Marie anything. Marie wished for all the riches of the earth from Pluto, despite his warning that the greediest wishes cause the greatest sorrows. But Marie insisted, mainly because she was tired of being poor as described in The Son of Neptune. Marie's wish gave Hazel a curse. Every precious metal that she summons from the ground would bring doom to the people who took them. Marie began to use Hazel's unique powers (a result of her wish) for selfish reasons. Marie sold Hazel's first precious stone when she was seven, before either of them knew about her curse. Hazel remembered eating a picnic breakfast with her fondly on a morning during Mardi Gras. Marie was in a good mood: buying beignets and a bottle of champagne, even a new box of crayons for her. Hazel cheerfully drew pictures while Marie hummed. They watched the sky turn to red gold. Hazel remembers this as the happiest day of her life. Gold popped up around Hazel’s house, as the curse only started in small quantities, and Hazel also would find them while walking up and down the street. Marie used the jewels Hazel would find as charms to sell. People would buy them and sell them for a lot of money, which brought Marie a lot of money. She became known as "Queen Marie". Marie and Hazel loved comfortably, with Marie being able to pay her bills, have steak dinner once a week, and Hazel even got a new dress. But stories started spreading, as bad things happened to people who bought the treasure. Charlie Gasceaux, who bought a bracelet, lost his arm while wearing that bracelet. Mr. Henry had a heart attack and dropped dead with a ruby he bought from Queen Marie. Rumors began spreading about Hazel, who found the crystals. So only people who didn't live in New Orleans were the ones who bought the jewels. Marie began to resent Hazel, and became short tempered. She became wanted for murder, and her clients wanted to hang her as a witch. Marie told Hazel that she only pretended to believe in Magic and it was all "bunk and hokum", and she was just performing. But Hazel knew it wasn't true, and she just didn't want Hazel to blame her for her curse. Marie would blame her father, telling her it was Pluto's fault. Hazel would never ask her what she meant, because it just made her angrier. As she became angrier, she listened to Gaea's voice and let it possess her. Hazel and Marie lived in an old apartment in the French quarter above a jazz club. By the time she was thirteen, it had become festive despite the war. New recruits would talk about fighting the Japanese, get tattoos, and propose on the sidewalks. She lived next to a bakery that would make the stairwells smell of melting butter, making beignets at night. Once, when Hazel was young, Marie took her to the dentist to get her tooth pulled. It was the only time she ever took ether. The dentist promised it would make her sleepy and relaxed, she was panicky and felt like she was floating out of her body. When the ether wore off, she was sick for three days. As a child, Hazel went to St. Agnes Academy for Colored Children and Indians. It was mostly black kids, with a sprinkle of Latino kids, with kids as young as kindergarden and as old as highschool. It was an awful school and Hazel hated it. She was bullied and tormented by the kids there because of her mother. They called Marie a witch and told Hazel she traded with the devil. She learned about Diocletian at the academy as well. She didn't understand why other black kids bullied her, but they took her lunch, threw rocks at her, threatened to hurt her, and pushed her into water fountains. Despite her abuse, she never gave them gold or diamonds. She was forced to attend a funeral for a classmate once, and she remembered how her dead body was terrifying.

    Friendship with Sammy Valdez

    When Hazel was twelve, she went into the courtyard to eat lunch. She had her hair pinned back in a bun and she wore a black dress, unlike the other kids, so she stood out as looking like a mourner at a wedding. She stayed standing against the wall, trying not to be noticed. Unfortunately, one of Hazel's bullies, an older boy named Rufus and the largest boy on the playground, backed her into a corner and called her "Witch Girl". He forced Hazel to hand over her lunch, as it was an everyday occurrence at the time. A few other girls came over and joined in, telling Rufus not to eat it and it was probably poison. Rufus then asked if her witch mother made it, but Hazel insisted she wasn't a witch. Rufus gave Hazel her lunch back, but asked to give him a diamond. Hazel tried to defend herself, but Rufus and the bullies refused to back off. A diamond appeared between Hazel's feet, and almost grabbed it. Thankfully, Sammy Valdez, a troublemaker, walked over, and turned it all into a game, pretending they were filming a movie. The whole courtyard laughed about the possibility that Rufus could be Clark Gable as Sammy said, embarassing him. The bell rang, and Sammy pulled Hazel out of the way. Hazel took her lunch and told Sammy that Rufus would kill him, but Sammy remarked that Rufus knows better than to tangle with him. Sammy decided to keep the diamond as a token of Hazel's favor, but promised not to sell it. Hazel thanked Sammy for being there for him, and the two ran back into the schoolhouse. Hazel began to have a crush on him. Sammy and Hazel were good friends, with Sammy sneaking her into the "Whites Only" riding club to take care of the horses and go riding. Horses liked Hazel, unlike any other animal. Sammy always made Hazel laugh.

    Moving North

    Her thirteenth birthday was filled with ups and downs, as the bullying at school was getting worse. But luckily for Hazel, Sammy snuck her into the riding club. They especially wanted to go in because rumors spread that it would close due to World War Two. That afternoon, Hazel rode a tan horse and rode so fast she left Sammy behind, leaving him winded by the time he caught up. He asked Hazel if he was "that ugly", which got a laugh out of her. They had a picnic under a magnolia tree in the cold, with the horses tethered to a fence, and shared a cupcake. Though it got smashed on the ride, Hazel thought it was the sweetest thing she had ever seen. They talked about the war, and Sammy lamented about how he wished he was old enough to go. He asked if she would write him letters if he went to war, and Hazel said yes. Sammy then kissed her on the cheek. Hazel felt like she was floating, and barely remembered the ride back to the stables. She never saw him again. When she returned to her house, she was terrified. She saw Marie in a trance, and a voice came out that wasn't hers. She had seen her in trances before, but never like this. She ran downstairs after she heard what they were saying: how they must move north, strike back at the gods, and that Hazel was a poisoned child. She ran into a man, who turned out to be Pluto, at the bottom of the stairs. He gripped her shoulders. Hazel was terrified, as he looked just like Adolf Hitler. He remarked how she grown, and a jewel appeared as Hazel trembled. Pluto picked it up, and Hazel protested, telling him it was cursed. But Pluto called it beautiful and apologized to Hazel for her fate. She didn't understand, but it dawned on her that he was her father. She lashed out at him in anger, her eyes filling with tears. Pluto asked Hazel if her mother ever explained her curse, and though she was too angry to speak, Pluto knew. Pluto told her she was born too soon and that although he cannot see her future clearly, she will find her place, as a descendant of Neptune would wipe away her curse. He then gave her a sketch pad and colored pencils. He said he knew her love for horseback riding and art, though she'd have to manage herself for the horse. He wished her a happy birthday, and went to speak to Marie. Hazel just stood there, paralyzed. She wanted to run away with Sammy, kick Pluto, stomp her colored pencils, but she didn't. She crept up the stairs to see what he would do, and peeked through the door. She saw her throwing things around the parlor and screaming at him. He pleaded with her, begging to stay and explaining he kept her alive. But she called him out, and told him they were going north. He tried to tell her they would both die, but she refused to listen. Hazel wished that he would stay and argue, but he left in silence. Marie took a deep breath and ordered Hazel to come out from the door. She clutched the colored pencils to her chest, trembling. Marie studied her like she was really a poisoned child and ordered her go pack a bag: they were leaving. Hazel asked where they were going, and Marie said Alaska, where she would "make herself useful" and start a new life. Hazel tried to question her about Pluto, but she brushed her off.

    The Lost Hero

    Hazel is remembered by Jason Grace as one of his friends. She knew Jason for about a month before he disappeared, although this is not noted until the second book in the series.

    The Mark of Athena

    While arriving at Camp Jupiter on the Argo II, Annabeth Chase saw Percy on the ground with his arms around Frank and Hazel, as if they were old friends. Annabeth, Jason, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez then enter the Forum where Annabeth worries that she and Percy may have started a relationship. She quickly dismisses the thought, pairing her with Frank instead. After the attack on New Rome, Hazel and Arion cause a distraction to let their friends escape. She later reunites with the others in Utah, where she wonders if Leo is Sammy Valdez. When Leo tells the seven that they need supplies, she accompanies him to the Salt Lake. They soon come across Nemesis where Hazel sees one of her past teachers. Nemesis tells them to find her brother by the Kalends of Juno. She also tells them that unless they stop the giants by the same day that Rome would be destroyed. She then vanishes. Hazel and Leo share many romantic awkward moments until running across Echo and Narcissus. While Leo and Echo distract the cursed boy, Hazel manages to steal a sheet of Celestial bronze with her powers and flees with Leo toward the Argo II. Hazel is later seen when Piper attempts to get rid of the eidolons, helping to catch Jason after they are banished. She later fans her face and seems flustered after Percy and Annabeth are caught alone together in the stables. Hazel later heads with Piper and Annabeth to Charleston Park where they meet Aphrodite. The goddess tells Hazel to fix her clothes so she could look even more beautiful. The trio is later surrounded by Octavian and Romans, but Percy manages to save them. Hazel, Piper, and Percy stay on board while Annabeth heads into Fort Sumter to rescue Jason, Leo, and Frank, and find the map to help her on her quest. The trio managed to successfully defend the ship by the time the boys came back. After they make it into the Atlantic Ocean, Hazel shows Leo a flashback of her life. There, she explains that Sammy was her boyfriend and he and Leo look exactly the same. One of Leo's memories take over, and Sammy is revealed to be Leo's great-grandfather and that he met Hera, who told him he won't live to see Hazel's greatest danger. The flashback ends and Leo and Hazel start to talk about what they saw. However, the group is attacked by a skolopendra nicknamed Shrimpzilla, and she tries to help Leo unleash Greek fire to destroy it. Gleeson Hedge then tells the crew that Hazel and Leo were holding hands much to Frank's horror. However, Hazel, Leo, and Frank are taken overboard and land in the underwater city of the ichthyocentaur. Leo explains everything that really happened while Hazel quickly makes friends with the icthyocentaur and they reunite with their friends. Hazel stays on the ship while Jason and Piper meet Hercules. She is later tied up and taken captive by Chrysaor along with the rest of the crew except Frank. After Percy and Frank defeat him by tricking his crew into thinking Dionysus was on the ship (even though Chyrsaor wasn't convinced, he still had to flee with the rest of his crew), the crew reach Rome, Italy. Hazel, along with Frank and Leo, track Nico di Angelo into the Pantheon. Leo soon uncovers a tunnel that Hazel volunteers to investigate. However, the eidolons attack once again and force Leo and Frank into the tunnel. The trio soon enters a workshop filled with inventions created by Archimedes that Leo becomes fascinated by. Hazel and Frank are soon tasered to unconsciousness by a Taser Ball possessed by an eidolon. Two eidolons possess unworkable machines and threaten to kill Leo with them. Frank wakes up in time to guard Hazel as Leo destroys the eidolons with Archimedes' sphere. Leo sadly tells Hazel that she was tracking Nico by his sword. Hazel, grief-stricken, then asks where Nico could be. Gaea laughs in the trio's faces and shows them that Annabeth is facing her mother's mortal enemy, and Jason, Piper, and Percy are drowning. Hazel appears again with Leo, Frank, and Coach Hedge as they enter the Colosseum, rescuing Percy, Jason, Piper, and Nico. Leo tells them he had thought of an escape plan. Hazel reunites with Nico, who informs them that the mortal side of the Doors of Death is in The House of Hades. Leo, Hazel, and Frank inform that Gaea had shown them Annabeth was in trouble and they head out to rescue her. The Argo II and its crew arrive at Arachne's lair where Annabeth has barely survived the experience. Jason, Piper, Leo, and Frank secure the Athena Parthenos to the Argo II when Annabeth is dragged into a pit. Hazel desperately warns them to cut the spider silk as Nico tries to save Percy and Annabeth. Percy grabs on to Annabeth as Hazel continues to plead for help. However, Percy makes Nico promise he'll take the four to the House of Hades while he and Annabeth fall into Tartarus. Hazel, Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, and Coach Hedge, all aboard the Argo II, then decide to follow Percy's orders and set sail to Eprius, Greece to save them from the House of Hades.

    Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes

    Right after finishing his narration of this book, Percy reveals that after the events of The Blood of Olympus, he, Hazel, and the rest of the Seven started the tradition of monthly Argo II reunion parties, and he is quite worried about being late to the current one.

    Several days after the deaths of Gaea and Leo, a parchment scroll with a holographic message, sent from the resurrected Leo, came fluttering into Camp Half-Blood on the wind. Hazel and Frank, while angry at Leo for his long absence, are extremely relieved to learn that he is alive.

    It can also be assumed that Hazel rarely visits her brother Nico, as the describes her and Frank being busy "doing the Twelfth Legion thing” at Camp Jupiter.

    Percy mentions Hazel when trudging along the banks of the River Elisson, remembering the time the two of them and Frank were evading basilisks in California.

    The Hidden Oracle

    Hazel is not present at Camp Half-Blood when the depowered Apollo and Meg McCaffrey arrive, so Nico explains where his sister and the rest of the Seven are now, while showing Leo's holographic message.

    The Dark Prophecy

    Leo mentions the daughter of Pluto, saying it would be good to see her again.

    The Burning Maze

    Leo mentions Hazel when telling Apollo and the others that she survived Caligula’s assault on Camp Jupiter.

    Hazel is of Louisiana Creole descent with shoulder-length curly cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes. She is marked with a glyph, the letters SPQR, and one stripe for one year of service that she received only a few weeks before Percy arrived. Frank and Leo consider her to be very pretty, while Percy says that Hazel's mother looks just like Hazel, saying Marie Levesque was "beautiful." Percy also describes Hazel as being "darker-skinned," and when Hazel is describing her mother later on she mentions that they had the "same dark complexion, brown as a roasted coffee bean."

    Also, when patrolling Frank's grandmother's house, Frank talks about how Hazel wore this shirt and jacket, "that made her skin look as warm as cocoa." She is toned and fit and is the shortest of the seven demigods, though she is also the youngest, in stark contrast to Frank Zhang, the tallest of the seven and third oldest.

    Hazel is bright and outgoing with a love for creativity and horseback riding, but has a dislike for boating and curses. Percy states that she was a great comfort to him and Frank, at times even saying that she seemed confident. Percy also describes her as being very mature for her age, although he felt a little uncomfortable when he started depending on her for comfort, but was glad she was there. Hazel tends to ignore others at times for her own preferences. For example, she carries a cavalry sword while not owning a horse to ride into battle on and she originally didn't want to like Frank because everyone at Camp Jupiter said they would end up together.

    She feels a massive amount of guilt over releasing Alcyoneus, and thinks it's her responsibility to bring him down. Because of this, Percy initially states that she seems to have a 'deep sadness', despite her easygoing personality. Hazel is initially afraid of her own abilities. She constantly tries to keep others away from her gems, worried that they will be hurt by them; and becomes shaken if anyone comes near them as a result.

    She seems to have internalised her mother's past view of her as a 'cursed child', as she believes her abilities are dangerous, and feels that she doesn't belong at camp Jupiter. She tries to hide her past as much as she can, believing others would blame her or even see her as monstrous if they found out that she released Alcyoneus. However, she eventually starts to open up to Frank and Percy during their quest to Alaska, sharing her burdens and realising that they trust her even despite knowing about her past. This leads to her feeling more grounded; as she states she doesn't feel like she's divided between the past and present.

    During her time on the Argo II, she is shown to be very protective and defensive of those she cares about, as she becomes very upset when Jason and Leo question Nico's intentions, leading her to mistrust Jason. She is also stated by Leo to have a lot of nervous energy, and often summons metals when she is thinking.

    After Annabeth and Percy fall into Tartarus, Hazel feels a sense of guilt for not being able to stop them from getting away from them, especially as she looked up to Percy and felt that both he and Annabeth united the Argo II. After this, she feels the need to take more initiative in the Argo II, becoming increasingly determined to unite the group and keep them safe. This leads her to meeting Hecate, who offers her a limited number of potential paths that the group can take. She refuses the three options that were offered as they won’t protect her friends, resulting in her being offered a new potential path. She responds boldly to Hecate by telling her she is forming her own pathway.

    She also starts to attempt to use the mist. While initially fruitless in trying to transform various objects and form illusions, she uses her past and experiences with ghosts to realize that the mist affects what people want to see. She also reflects on the nature of wealth and its similarities with the mist, using her past and embracing her lineage as a child of Pluto for the first time. Her resourcefulness here allows her to further develop her skills with the mist, which she uses when encountering Pasiphae. Her encounter with Pasiphae reminds her of her mother, and she reflects that no child should be treated as if they are a monster, and this is why she views the minotaur as a victim of the story.

    As a child of the Big Three and one of the seven, Hazel is an extremely powerful demigod with power only rivaling that of other children of the Big Three.

  2. During their journey, Hazel and Frank become true heroes who know how to use their powers and have self-confidence. Percy regains his memory on their return to Camp Jupiter and finds an army of monsters led by Polybotes attacking it.

  3. Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn’t do a very good job of it. When the Voice took over her mother and commanded Hazel to use her “gift” for an evil purpose, Hazel couldn’t say no. Now, because of her mistake, the future of the world is at risk. Frank is a klutz.

  4. When the Voice took over her mother and commanded Hazel to use her “gift” for an evil purpose, Hazel couldn’t say no. Now, because of her mistake, the future of the world is at risk. Frank is a klutz.

  5. Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn’t do a very good job of it. When the Voice took over her mother and commanded Hazel to use her “gift” for an evil purpose, Hazel couldn’t say no. Now, because of her mistake, the future of the world is at risk. Frank is a klutz.

  6. Seven demigods — Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson, and Piper McLean from Camp Half-Blood, with Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, and Hazel Levesque from Camp Jupiter— join forces.

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