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  1. French Kiss Martini - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Meyer Lemon Galette With Sautéed Greens, Rainbow Carrots & Sweet Potato Mash
    The over-crowded bookcase above my mother’s kitchen desk did not discriminate between healthy cooking and indulgence. Adele Davis’ no-nonsense Let’s Eat Right To Keep Fit cozied up alongside James Beard’s Fireside Cook Book and Julia Child’s butter-stained Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Published in 1970, Davis’ timeless reference guide to nutrition served more as a suggestion and less as an ultimatum. My mother’s casual promotion of health food to a family devoted to lofty cakes and lattice-topped pies, aligned with my father’s dictum to diet and exercise. “Everything in moderation,” he would remind us after his morning jog, slicing off a small triangle of apple pie for breakfast and pouring himself a second cup of coffee from the Chemex. One might say my mother was a thin-shelled health food nut, while my father was a tough nut to crack. My mother’s interest in diet and nutrition stemmed from both her upbringing and her education. The daughter of a dentist, she enjoyed a lengthy career as a dental hygienist, admonishing us to brush our teeth and floss regularly. As children, a visit to my grandfather’s office overlooking Bryant Park, was a healthy contradiction. Armed with new toothbrushes and pocket-sized tubes of toothpaste, we paused by a behemoth glass jar on my grandfather’s desk to pluck a handful of cello wrapped candies. Planting a good-bye kiss on his cheek, we headed to Katz’s for hot dogs washed down with Dr. Brown’s cream soda. Even at the height of the health food craze, my mother’s approach was far from a religious pursuit, more akin to a hobby. Most mornings, she orchestrated four brown bag lunches. Even though her valiant attempts to coax us towards whole grains fell flat, I had to applaud her tenacity. She was subtle, sandwiching peanut butter or cream cheese or egg salad between two slices of whole wheat bread, cut on the diagonal. We pleaded for pedestrian white bread instead. She reluctantly obliged with multi-grain bread which was lighter on the wheat, adding an apple or a small box of Sun-Maid raisins for good measure. Lunch wasn’t the only meal exposed to a healthy upgrade. The Tupperware turntable in our kitchen cabinet designated to vitamins, flax seed, oat bran, and banana chips also housed unsweetened breakfast options. Spinning the turntable unleashed a waft of health-food-store-Brewer’s yeast that we considered toxic. Avoiding that turntable like the plague, Grape Nuts and Shredded Wheat were as far as we dared stray from sugar-kissed cereals. When carob chips and honey were touted as healthful baking substitutes, my mother combed through a stack of glossy food magazines until she found a recipe for carob chip cookies. The results were underwhelming at best, reinforcing Toll House morsels as a pantry staple. The lackluster cookies enjoyed a field trip to science class and a little extra credit for the baker; my mother was thrilled. The 1970s and '80s introduced consumers to kitchen gadgets that encouraged nutrition. New appliances intrigued but left my brothers, sister, and I nonplussed. The peanut butter spinning out of the Salton peanut butter machine was tasty but not sweet enough. The thermostat controlled yogurt maker produced five tangy portions yet severely lacked fruit on the bottom. We balked; my mother persevered. Although the counter-top bread machine turned out crusty loaves of multi-grain, slices dunked in skim milk were a far cry from challah French toast doused in Vermont maple syrup. Adele Davis encouraged fresh juices, prompting the purchase of a juice extractor. It wasn’t unusual to wander into the kitchen and witness a scene reminiscent of Muppet Labs. Strewn across the Formica countertop was a riot of carrots, apples, crimson beets, and knobs of fresh ginger. Standing at the helm was my mother, guiding the fruit and vegetables as they tumbled headfirst down the chute of the extractor. When offered a juice glass of the health tonic, I politely declined. My mother declared it, ‘out of this world’ while my father opted instead for a dry martini with an extra olive. I did share, however, my mother’s passion for lemons, both the thick-skinned grocery store variety and the elusive thin-skinned Meyer lemon. Squeezed over ice cubes in tall glasses or bobbing in a cup of hot water, we drank these beverages in lieu of coffee after dinner. In her classic yin and yang philosophy of sharing, my mother reminded me that lemons eroded tooth enamel but were packed with antioxidants. Circling the dining room table nightly provided an opportunity to over-share the day’s events, fill (and refill) our dinner plates, eating just enough vegetables to ensure smooth sailing to dessert. My mother’s attempt to replace white macaroni with whole wheat was almost as dire as introducing brown rice instead of white. The dinner table mutinies were blissfully short lived. “Your father prefers regular spaghetti,” my mother assured me as she squeezed fresh lemon juice over a bowl of whole wheat pasta salad. For a very brief period, I encouraged my mother to enroll in an aerobics class and promised to join her. With Billy Joel’s greatest hits pouring out of a boom box, our blindingly white sneakers zigged instead of zagged across the floor, turning to the left when the rest of the class was turning right. Desperately trying to avoid facing the wall of mirrors, we laughed more than we aerobicized. Class concluded with a series of cool down stretches and shoulder rolls. As Barry Manilow crooned “I can’t smile without you,” we decided he could, making a beeline for the car. We stopped for frozen yogurt on the way home.

    Order French Kiss Martini nearby

    Cooperage Inn
    2218 Sound Ave · Open · Closes 9 PM · (631) 727-8994
    Crab Cakes, Bread Basket, Seafood Bisque, Eggplant Fries, Soup of the Day, Mussels Brousse, Crispy Calamari, Grilled Flatbread, Pan Seared Fresh..., Overstuffed Baked Clams, Sesame Chicken Spring Roll, Oven Roasted Tomato Bruschetta, Sesame Crusted Seared Ahi Tuna*
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  2. Aug 23, 2024 · The French Kiss cocktail has a sweet and fruity taste, with a hint of chocolate. The raspberry liqueur adds a tangy and fruity flavor, while the chocolate liqueur gives it a rich and creamy taste. The vodka adds a bit of a kick, but it's not too overpowering.

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  3. Jun 23, 2024 · Recipe: Shake ingredients with ice, strain into a martini glass, and garnish. For a Virgin French Kiss, simply replace the vodka and champagne with sparkling water. You’ll still enjoy the fruity and refreshing flavors without the alcohol.

    • What Is A French Martini?
    • What Is Chambord?
    • How to Make A French Kiss Martini
    • Garnishing Ideas
    • How to Make Lemon Twist
    • French Martini Variations
    • Pairing Suggestions
    • Complementary Pairing Suggestions
    • More Cocktails to Try

    A true french martini is made with vodka, pineapple juice and Chambord. Chambord is the cornerstone of the cocktailand one of the reasons it got its name. If you’ve never had it, it’s a french raspberry liqueur. It’s used in several traditional martinis. While it is usually served as a cocktail in a chilled martini glass, it also gained popularity ...

    Chambord is a french liqueur from the Loire Valley region in France. It is a cognac based raspberry liqueur made from red and black raspberries, citrus peel, vanilla and honey. It has a beautiful deep berry color and a sweet berry flavor which makes it a wonderful addition to any of your favorite cocktails. It adds a beautiful pinkish hue that make...

    Making a french martini is easier than it looks! Simply fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes, pour the ingredients in. Give it a good shake and pour into chilled martini glasses. You’ll Need: 1. Vodka 2. Chambord Liqueur 3. Pineapple Juice Don’t forget to top with classic garnishes before serving!

    A french martini will taste great as it is, but if you want to take it up a notch you can add garnishes. Traditionally, this martini is served with a lemon twist and fresh raspberry.

    Making a lemon twist is extremely simple. Take a slice of lemon and cut around the rind. Then wrap the lemon peel around a straw or toothpick and hold in place for about a minute. The lemon rind will not affect the flavor of the cocktail the same way a squeeze of fresh lemon would. It just imparts a very subtle and mild zesty aroma that compliments...

    I love a classic french martini, but if you are looking to change things up you can make the following changes: 1. Use flavored vodka. Try berry, raspberry vodka or pineapple for an extra fruity punch of flavor. 2. Add a splash of champagne for a sparkling french martini. Simply follow the directions below, and then top your martini with 2 ounces o...

    This French Martini cocktail is absolutely delicious on it’s own, but if you are looking to serve it with food I have a few suggestions for you. When thinking about what foods to serve with cocktails, it is important to think of the flavor profile of the drink rather than the actual ingredients. When you choose what dishes to serve, you should focu...

    Flavors that complement this cocktail would be sweet, deep, rich berry flavors or recipes that are sweet and contain raspberries or pineapple. Complementary recipes to try: 1. Duck a L’Orange 2. Tenderloin with Balsamic Blueberry Sauce 3. Chocolate Cake with Raspberry Buttercream

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    • 3 min
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  4. Dec 28, 2020 · Tart, sweet, and with a bit of a kick, this French Kiss Cocktail is THE perfect cocktail to serve on New Year’s Eve, especially when you want to kiss this year goodbye! This raspberry and lemon sparking drink is simple to make and so delicious.

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  5. Shake all ingredients with ice & strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a Hershey's Kiss or a raspberry.

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  6. Feb 14, 2015 · Ingredients: 1 cup Vodka. 1/2 cup pineapple juice. 1/4 cup triple sec. 1/4 cup Chambord (raspberry liquor) Lemon. Sugar. Ice. Preparation: Place extra ice in your martini glasses to chill them. Before adding ice in the shaker, pour in the vodka, pineapple juice, triple sec and Chambord. Then add ice and shake vigorously for 30-45 seconds.

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  8. Jun 20, 2014 · Print Pin Rate. Course: Drinks. Cuisine: French. Diet: Gluten Free. Author: Tracy. Ingredients. 1 bottle Prosecco Champagne, or other Sparkling dry wine. 2-4 ounces Raspberry Chambord. Fresh Raspberries for garnish. Instructions. Add 1/2 to 1 oz of Raspberry Chambord to each flute then top with bubbly!

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