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  1. If you’re like most events you charge a standard flat rate fee based on their booth size and call it a day. But how much money are you leaving on the table by doing it this way? Let’s dive into the conversation on if you should be charging your vendors and exhibitors a commission.

  2. Sep 3, 2020 · How do we determine our exhibitor booth fees? How do we price our sponsorships? As a trade show and conference consultant, I get asked these questions all the time.

    • How to Prepare For A Wedding Show
    • Phase 1 – Before The Bridal Expo
    • Phase 2 – The Day of The Bridal Show
    • Phase 3 – After The Bridal Show

    There are three main phases for each bridal expo. Before the show, during the show and after the show. We have prepared a mini guide for each phase to help you best prepare for and have the most success while at a show. Let’s jump right into the Great Bridal Expo guide for success!

    Step 1. Set Goals

    In order to have a successful expo, you need to make sure you and your team have goals that need to be completed. It is critically important to remember the end game of attending our expo. Do you want new bride leads? Are you testing a new product? Whatever the reason, make sure you know why you are there and what you need to do to ensure success at the show. You and your team will need to keep these goals in mind so that you can stay on track through the event. Things can get busy fast!

    Step 2. Train your Team

    Now that you have figured out your goals, the next step is to make sure that your team is trained and prepared to accomplish your mission. Your team will encounter hundreds of people in face-to-face situations. You want to make sure that your sales/marketing team is ready to meet the challenge. It is very important that your team knows all of your product offerings, inside and out. It is also a good idea to have everyone on your team memorize a short elevator pitch explaining your offerings....

    Step 3. Plan the Design of Your Booth

    Once your team is prepped and you have signed up as an exhibitor at the bridal expo, you need to begin planning the design of your booth. It’s always a good idea to come up with a theme and color combination for your booth. If you have a logo or branding, you will want all the colors to mesh well with each other. If you can, tailor the theme to the service or product you are offering. The number one thing to keep in mind is that we are all visual people. Use lights, pictures, anything that wi...

    The day of the bridal show has finally arrived! If you have followed our preparation steps for phase 1, you and your team should be ready to go! The most important thing to do on the day of the expo is to arrive extra early. There is no telling what kind of surprises will come up (traffic, delays, booth issues), and you want to have the most amount...

    Step 1. Follow-Up With Your Leads!

    If there is only one step you really focus on during the entire expo, follow up should be number 1. This is the most important part of the expo. Your success will be determined mostly by the amount of follow up you and your team accomplish. You will want to organize all of your leads from how likely they were to book. You should have captured their contact information as well as contact preferences. Contact them! Your goal here is to contact all the brides and grooms who wanted to meet. Set u...

    Step 2. Revisit Your Goals Now that the show is over and you have done all the follow-up required, it is time to look over your goals again.

    Were you successful in reaching these goals? Did you learn anything new? Would you do something differently to improve your success next time? Questions like these will help you analyze the good and bad of your experience and improve your results for next time. That’s our guide! Have any comments or suggestions? Found this guide helpful? Let us know! Remember, follow these steps and you will be in the best position to have an awesome success at the Expo. Good luck! ~Sarah A.

  3. Feb 16, 2022 · If you’re like most events you charge a standard flat rate fee based on their booth size and call it a day. But how much money are you leaving on the table by doing it this way? Let’s dive into...

  4. Feb 23, 2022 · The average attendee spends $657 per show. Exhibitors, on the other hand, can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per outing.

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  6. Wedding Show Exhibitor Tips for Success. Set your Show Goals and Stick to Them. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of a busy show. Decide what your goals are before you arrive and write them down. - Do you want to lock-in a handful of brides and have them sign on the dotted line?