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  1. Nov 29, 2020 · Important Islamic Prayers in Arabic from Quran, Sunnah and Hadith with English Translation

    • Preface
    • Prayer Tip - Prayer is a protection for you
    • Prayer Tip - Missed Prayers
    • Prayer Tip - Pray on Time
    • The Compulsory (Fard) & Non-Compulsory Prayers (Sunnah)
    • Prayer Tip - Using Prayer Calendars
    • After successfully completing this module you’ll be able to:
    • How to Perform Wudu’ (Step-by-Step)
    • Step 7 - Head
    • Repeat 3 Times
    • Ash-hadu anllaa ilaaha illallaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh
    • Allahuma ij-’alnee minat-tawabeen waj-’alnee minalmutatahireen
    • Actions which Nullify the Wudu
    • Wudu Tip - Forgetfullness
    • Wudu Tip - Menstruation
    • Prerequisites of Prayer
    • How to Perform Salah (Step-by-Step)
    • Step 1
    • A’oothu billaahi minash-shaytanir-rajeem
    • Bismillaahir-rahmaanir-raheem
    • Iyyaaka na’budu wa iyyaaka nasta’een
    • Step 7
    • Step 8
    • Step 9 - Prostration
    • ل ع الََََُِّْ ب ر انحبس
    • Allahu Akbar
    • Subhaana rabbiyal ‘alaa
    • Allahu Akbar
    • 1 Attahiyyaatu lilaahi wassalawaatu wattayyibaatu
    • 3 wa rahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
    • 4 assalaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘alaa ‘ibaadillaahissaliheen
    • 5 Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaah
    • 6 Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh
    • What to do Next?

    We are honored and blessed to have authored this ‘Learn to pray guide’ in order to help and simplify the process of learning how to pray. We ask Allah u to continue pouring His blessings upon this project and make your path to learn how to pray, filled with light and ease. Ameen The instructions and steps in this book are designed for both males an...

    Salah (Prayer) is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. It was the first act of worship that was made obligatory by Allah u and it is the last thing to be taken away from the religion. When it perishes, Islam will perish. Its obligation was revealed directly to the Prophet s, during his ascension to the heaven and it was made obligatory upon eve...

    The Arabic word Salah originates from the word silah which means connection. The Islamic definition of Salah is the name given to the formal prayer of Islam. The prayer is one of the obligatory rites of the religion, to be performed five times a day by every obedient adult* Muslim. It is a connection between the human and their Creator Allah. The p...

    Salah is the second pillar of Islam. Performing Salah is the first priority after belief in the Oneness of Allah u and in the prophethood of Muhammad s. It is such an important pillar, that Muslims are called upon to perform this act of worship in all circumstances without fail.

    “Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds” (Surah al-Ankaboot 45). This efect has been described in the following eloquent way - “Its aim is to generate within the subliminal self of man such spiritual power, light of faith and awareness of God as can enable him to strive successfully against all kinds of evils and temptation...

    It is a major sin to miss a prayer deliberately; the missed prayer must be made up as soon as it is remembered. Any made-up prayer is performed in the exact manner it is prayed during it’s specified time.

    Remember, it is best to perform each of the five obligatory prayers as soon as the time has commenced, as it is not permited to delay them without a valid reason, and it must not be delayed beyond its permited time.

    The following are the number of compulsory and sunnah units associated with each prayer. The highlighted boxes are obligatory. The sunnah prayers are highly recommended, and the person will receive great reward for performing them – however no sin is incurred for skipping them. The Qur’anic recitation of the first two units of each of these prayers...

    It is advised that you refer to an Islamic prayer timetable published by one of the local Islamic centres in your city for exact time prayers throughout the year. Or download reputable Prayer Apps to provide you with the correct prayer times for your location. Umm Habeebah j, the wife of the Prophet s said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah s say: ‘T...

    Know the importance of purification in Islam Understand how to perform the ritual actions of wudu Determine which actions break or nullify the wudu Purification is a very important mater in Islam. One must purify their intention for Allah alone and purify their bodies and clothes before beginning the Prayer. Hygiene and cleanliness are very importa...

    The Prophet Muhammad s said: “Salah (prayer) of anyone of you who has invalidated his/her purification is not accepted unless he/she makes wudu’’. (Bukhari)

    The Prophet Muhammad s said: “When the Muslim or believing servant performs ablution and washes his/her face, each sin he/she has commited by his/ her eyes washes away with the water. When he/she washes his/her hands, each sin his/her hands have commited washes away with the water – or with the last drop of water until he/she becomes free of sin.” ...

    Go to the toilet first (if required). You should use the toilet and then wash the private parts before performing wudu’. It is good practice to clean the teeth with siwak (toothstick) or a toothbrush before performing wudu’ as taught by the Prophet Muhammad s. Before starting the actions of wudu’, it is necessary to make your intention of washing t...


    Wipe the head with wet fingers starting at the fringe to the back hairline and back the same way all in one movement.

    Wash the feet including the ankles and between the toes. Begin with the right foot.

    (I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.)

    Oh Allah, make me among those who turn in repentance to you and make me among those who purify themselves ينر ََُِِّ ه طتمْ الن َِِْ مي ــ نلع ََََََِِِّّْْ اج وينابو التني منلع َََُّّْ اج ــمالل

    The following actions nullify the Wudu - i.e. it has to be performed again in order to pray. These are in regards to both men and women: Passing wind. Passing urine or faeces Full mouth vomiting Flowing of blood or pus from any part of the body. Deep sleep, whereby one loses awareness. Unconsciousness or intoxication Touching the private parts with...

    If a person forgets whether they have nullified their wudu’ or not, then this does NOT nullify their ablution, regardless of whether the person is praying or not, until they are certain that they have nullified their ablution.

    A menstruating or post natal woman must not pray as long as blood is visible and her missed prayers do not have to be made up. The Prophet Muhammad s said: “Whoever performs Wudu’ well then says, (the mentioned supplication); the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him to enter through any one he wills.” MUSLIM *It is mandatory for a person ...

    WEARING THE CORRECT CLOTHING man must cover the front and back of his body between his navel and knees, as well as both his shoulders when praying. The garments must be loose and not transparent. woman must cover her entire body, except for her hands and face. The garments must be loose and not transparent. ENSURING BODY, CLOTHING, AND PLACE OF PRA...

    Allah u says: “Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed times.”

    PERFORMING THE FIRST RAK’AH (UNIT) OF PRAYER. After facing the Qiblah the person should make an intention by thinking about the particular obligatory or optional prayer they intend to perform.

    In the standing position, raise both hands so that your finger tips are in line with the shoulders or ears. Your palms should be facing outward. Then say:

    (I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.)

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

    You would have completed the first and second rak’ah (units). What to do next will depend on which prayer you are performing or how many rak’ah (units) you are performing. Use the chart below to know what your next step is.

  2. Download Islamic books on Salah (Prayer) including Congregational Prayer, Prostration Due To Forgetfulness In The Prayer - Sujood As-Sahw and many more.

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  3. May 29, 2016 · My brothers, the Islamic awakening of today has pervaded all Islamic countries, and all praise is for Allah. It has to be understood, however, that this awakening must be established upon a solid foundation – in terms of Allah’s book and Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger [sallallahu alaihi wasallam].

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