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  1. Topic Sentences A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates the main idea or thesis of a paragraph. Not all paragraphs have clear-cut topic sentences, and topic sentences can actually occur anywhere in the paragraph (as the first sentence, the last sentence, or somewhere in the middle); however, an easy way to make sure your reader ...

  2. Topic sentences are a crucial part of any well-developed paragraph. They appear at the start of a body paragraph to inform the reader about the main point of that paragraph and give them an idea about what to expect next. Topic sentences might look like the following examples. “Forensic examiners are aware of and trained to avoid physical ...

  3. ject, or point of a paragraph.• A top. c sentence should be specific.• It is the cont. olling idea for the paragraph.• Keep in mind that Narrative doesn’t necess. rily include a topic sentence.• It helps your re. xamples:The Direct ApproachIt explicitly announce. the purpose of the paragraph.Example: The purpose of this paragraph is ...

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  4. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph and serves as an introduction. An effective topic sentence has two parts: 1. a limited topic. 2. an opinion or idea about the subject In addition, a topic sentence must present an idea that can be developed and supported with examples and details. A mere statement of fact is not ...

  5. A topic sentence, the main idea of a paragraph, is key to organizing any paper. Topic sentences should inform your readers about what the paragraph focuses on and why that topic is an important step in understanding the entire paper. Useful ways to think of topic sentences are as mini-theses for each paragraph or as a main point in an outline.

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  6. 7. The final “wrap-up” sentence within a paragraph often reinforces the topic sentence. Some Pointers in Writing Topic Sentences . 1. A good topic sentence usually states an opinion or attitude that can be supported by details and examples. 2. A good topic sentence is specific enough to be clear and interesting. 3. A good topic sentence ...

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  8. WhaT iS a ToPic SenTence? •A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph that signals to the reader what the para- graph’s main idea will be. •Topic sentences should: » relate back to the argument of the thesis; » concisely summarize the key idea of the paragraph; » can even contain key words from the thesis statement. ToPic ...

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