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  1. A World War II pilot, Theodore Cole, comes through a rift in time and space to 2020, and meets a widow and her stepson. The government insists that Theodore has to go back as he came or unleash a global catastrophe, but Theodore realizes that there's something he has to do before he returns.

  2. Apr 3, 2020 · The story follows a WWII pilot, Lieutenant Theodore Cole (Austin Stowell) who crashes in modern-day Ohio. A young widow, Mary Ann Whitaker (Kerry Bishé) and her stepson, Elijah Whitaker (Duncan Joiner) are swept up in his search for home.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Amazing Story
    • Obituary

    Lieutenant Theodore Cole is a character in the Apple TV+ series, Amazing Stories.

    Theodore Cole was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. In high school, he was a baseball pitcher and led the team to three consecutive championships. While he earned a scholarship to college, he chose to join the military instead. He met his future wife Pauline while working as a bag boy at the local market. They were married shortly before his deployment to the South Pacific. He had a superstition of never saying goodbye, as he believed that if it wasn't said then it would never truly be goodbye. He carried a photograph of Pauline with him in his plane, where he was a pilot.

    On Christmas Eve 1941, he took flight over mountainous terrain in Burman to locate a missing aircraft. After encountering resistance, his plane did not return to base. He was declared Missing in Action and presumed deceased.

    A Rift opens in the middle of Dayton Ohio in the year 2020. A WWII plane flies through and crashes in a field. The pilot inside is still alive, with a concerned citizen rushing to help. The woman, Mary Ann Whitaker, helps wrench the cockpit door open. Inside, Theodore Cole refuses to leave the plane without a photograph of his wife, Pauline. He then lets her help him to the side of the road where her stepson, Elijah Whitaker, is waiting. The man thanks them for their help, introducing himself as Lieutenant Theodore Cole, Second Squadron. He thinks they're British or Dutch, becoming confused when they claim to be Americans. He think he's in Burma, but Elijah corrects they are in Ohio. He was just in a dogfight over the ridge in Rangoon. He suddenly realizes he's not where he's meant to be. He sees the Dayton water tower and collapses to his knees. He grew up near Dayton. She assures him he'll be okay as they'll take him to a hospital. In the sky above, a fiery red hole stays open.

    Elijah sneaks into Theodore's hospital room to find him sleeping. Elijah looks at his dog tags when he suddenly grabs his hand. He's confused as to why there's guards on him. Elijah explains they're worried he's a bad guy. The pilot isn't, as he was fighting the bad guys. He's a real soldier. He can't believe they shipped him home. He worries he missed Christmas, but Elijah assures him it's only September. Theodore thinks it's December 24th, Christmas Eve, 1941. He wants to leave but Elijah knows they won't let him go until they know who he is. Theodore states who he is again - Lieutenant Theodore Cole, First American Volunteer Group. He needs to get out of there. Elijah becomes scared when the man grabs him, so Theodore apologizes and releases him. He tells him about a peace offering in his jacket pocket. Elijah reluctantly takes a box of candy from the jacket pocket. Theodore explains that his wife gave them to him as a good luck charm - so nothing bad will happen to him when he flies. The candy is called a Whiz bar, though Elijah doesn't recognize it. Theodore states it's chocolate. The deputies spot them in the room and begin banging on the door to be let in. Theodore blocks it, telling Elijah to find Sheriff Simmons on Main Street to tell him that his friend Theodore Cole is in trouble. He lets the deputies inside and they restrain him, then drug him.

    Later, Cole lurches awake in the hospital and pulls out his IV. He looks out the window to see military vehicles arriving. A nurse arrives with more medicine, but Cole drugs him instead. Nina arrives at the hospital to take the scene. Meanwhile, Cole sneaks out of the hospital by wearing a nurse's scrubs. He grabs a change of clothing just as Nina finds the nurse in his room. Cole walks out the hospital door as he hears planes flying overhead, cars driving by with music playing, and a woman taling on her phone. He tries to steal a car but the alarm blares. Nina hears the commotion and calls her men outside. They arrive just as Cole speeds off on a motorcycle.

    He crashes outside of a gas station in front of Elijah and Mary Ann's car. Elijah thinks this is a sign. He shows Cole the picture and Cole explains the people in the photo. Elijah is insistent that he needs their help so Mary Ann eventually caves. Cole needs to see his wife and tell her what happened. They all get into the car.

    As they drive, Cole realizes everything around him has changed. He sees his house so Mary Ann stops. He runs up the driveway and into the house, searching for Pauline. A woman appears so Cole explains he's looking for Pauline, but she thinks he's young to be her husband. Elijah explains that he's a friend of Pauline's. The nurse thinks that's nice as after the kids moved away no one's been to see her. Cole's surprised she's alive but she assures him she's fine. Cole looks at the photographs on the wall of Pauline and her family. He decides to wait outside. Mary Ann checks something on her phone, finding his obituary. He crashed in Burman only to be shot and killed while trying to evade capture.

    The nurse sees the television with the family on the TV and threatens to call the police. Cole runs inside to see the house surrounded. Bill arrives with Nina as they just want to get him back where he belongs. The ground shakes again. Nina explains it's a cosmic tremor that is caused by him being there and what happened to him. He came through a Rift that made him travel to the future. His Rift is still open. Elijah interrupts as he died in Burma. He rushes Cole to the car while Mary Ann bangs on the hood, trying to stop the military from shooting. Bill and Nina try to talk Cole out of the car. He can't figure out the pedals as there are only two. Cole eventually figures it out and speeds off through the woods.

    Lieutenant Theodore Cole was declared Missing in Action and is presumed dead after his plane went down over Burman during a dog fight.

    Lieutenant Cole was flying one of five aircraft of the 2nd Fighter Squadron, on a mission to locate a missing aircraft when they encountered resistance from an enemy squadron. Lieutenant Cole was last seen leveling out his Curtiss P-40 Warhawk after taking a dive over rugged, mountainous terrain. His aircraft did not return to base.

    Cole was at talented athlete and an [..] baseball. As a pitcher for his local high school [..], he held the team to three consecutive championships, winning the banng for his junior and senior year. He earned a scholarship to college, but [..] to join the military instead.

    He met his wife, Pauline, while working as a bag boy at the neighborhood market. They were married at the courthouse shortly before his deployment to the South Pacific.

  3. Lieutenant Theodore Cole : I thought by never saying goodbye, it meant that I was never really gone. So I could never get hurt. It always worked, until it didn't.

  4. Passerby Mary Ann rescues the pilot, Lt. Theodore Cole, and learns that he had been shot down over Burma. Mary Ann and her stepson Elijah (Duncan Joiner) protect Cole as he is pursued by federal agents who believe that his presence is a bad omen.

    Directed By
    Written By
    "The Cellar"
    "The Heat"
    "Dynoman and the Volt!"
    "Signs of Life"
    Leah Fong
  5. Theodore states who he is again - Lieutenant Theodore Cole, First American Volunteer Group. He needs to get out of there. Elijah becomes scared when the man grabs him, so Theodore apologizes and releases him.

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  7. Apr 6, 2023 · At first, it seems the rift is a random phenomenon that Lieutenant Cole accidentally stumbled upon in the heat of battle. However, the NTSB agents reveal from their studies that it may appear with a purpose, a theory that was proven when the rift doesn't blow up after Cole returns through it.

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