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  1. Darkness’ by Lord Byron is a foreboding poem that predicts haunting consequences for humanity in the rapidly changing modern world. Read Poem. PDF Guide. Cite. Lord Byron. Nationality: English. Poet PDF. George Gordon Byron, aka Lord Byron, was a British poet and leading figure in Romanticism.

    • Female
    • October 9, 1995
    • Poetry Analyst And Editor
  2. In this narrative poem, a speaker dreams of a future in which the sun burns out and the whole world is left in darkness. Panicking, the survivors of this catastrophe gradually destroy all remaining life in their efforts to survive.

  3. Byron wrote “Darkness” in July-August 1816. The poem is at least partly influenced by the mass hysteria of the time brought about by an Italian astronomer’s prediction that the sun would burn itself out on July 18th, thus destroying the world.

  4. A poetry analysis is the process of investigating a poem’s content, word usage, and format to improve your understanding of a piece of poetry and it’s multiple meanings. Analyzing poetry can lead

  5. Darkness Lord Byron. I HAD a dream, which was not all a dream, The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless; and the icy earth Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air 5 Morn came and went—and came, and brought no day, And men forgot their passions in the dread Of this ...

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  6. Analysis (ai): This poem is a chilling depiction of the end of the world, brought about by an unexplained catastrophe that extinguished the sun. The poem is particularly notable for its vivid imagery of the desolation and despair that follow this event.

  7. "Darkness" is a poem written by Lord Byron in July 1816 on the theme of an apocalyptic end of the world which was published as part of the 1816 The Prisoner of Chillon collection.

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