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  1. May 31, 2021 · The standard formulas used to determine the survival rate, SR (%) = (N t /N 0) × 100, whereas N t was the total final fish (fish) and N 0 was the total initial fish (fish).

    • Eko Harianto, Eddy Supriyono, Tatag Budiardi, Ridwan Affandi, Yani Hadiroseyani
    • 2021
  2. Apr 29, 2021 · Survival rate % = number of surviving animals at the end of the production cycle / total number of animals at the beginning of the cycle * 100

  3. Mar 1, 2011 · Survival is generally evaluated as the rate of survival of initial stocked number of fish [ 2 , 4 ] or as the rate of cumu- lative mortality for the initially stocked number [ 1 , 3 ].

  4. Jan 1, 2023 · The methods include those based on maximum age, life history theory, relationships between “well-known” values for M (those found in the literature and based on data for the stock being assessed) and covariates, use of tagging data and catch curve analysis, and estimation within a single- or multi-species stock assessment model.

  5. Nov 15, 2021 · Highlights. •. The effect of optimal density on fish is speculated to body mass-dependent. •. Density could significantly affect fish SGR. •. Density has negative correlation with Temperature and Dissolved oxygen. •. CS (citrate synthase) and IDH (isocitrate dehydrogenase) in TCA cycle can be affected by overcrowding stress. Abstract.

    • Lisen Li, Yubang Shen, Weining Yang, Xiaoyan Xu, Jiale Li
    • 2021
  6. Feb 22, 2011 · The number of sampled fish can be a large proportion of the stocked ones, making it difficult to calculate the overall survival rate and mortality coefficient as this is based on the initial number. Here, a new method of calculating survival is proposed using the mortality coefficient.

  7. Nov 28, 2020 · The phenomenal regression indicates that 6.5% feeding rate per day is optimum for best growth performance, survival and minimum cannibalism rate for Asian sea bass in captivity. The outcome of the finding will help in promotion for not only the coastal aquaculture in Pakistan abut also elsewhere.

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