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  1. The Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Southern Living's Tarragon Cream Chicken
    This is my go-to recipe when company is coming. Everyone who tries this chicken thinks it is absolutely delicious. I just love it! It is my favorite recipe to eat and to make. I serve it with a light salad, my Garlic Butter New Potatoes (also posted), and some lightly roasted asparagus. I have also used boneless, skinless chicken thighs in the past instead of the chicken breasts. This adds great flavor. I believe I made 5-6 thighs. I took this recipe from Southern Living magazine, and it is also in their Ultimate Quick and Easy cookbook. Enjoy!
    Garlic Butter New Potatoes
    I love this recipe. It is so simple, and yet, so delicious. I serve these potatoes with my Tarragon Cream Chicken. However, they are a delicious accompaniment to any meal. I took this recipe from Southern Living. It can be found in their Ultimate Quick and Easy cookbook. I generally do make a couple of changes- I add 1/4-1/2 tsp. salt to the garlic butter. I also often add minced fresh dill when I have it. Enjoy!
    Black Bean Spaghetti
    I found this recipe in the "Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook". It's a great vegetarian recipe that even my 2 year old loves. Serve with a salad and garlic bread. You won't miss the meat!