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  1. Apr 18, 2022 · The Bible doesn’t say a whole lot about what happened in the days right after Jesus rose from the dead. We know he talked with Mary Magdalene and his immediate disciples that first day, as well as the two who ran off to Emmaus.

  2. People also ask

    • What Days Comprise The Holy Week Timeline?
    • Palm Sunday
    • Holy Monday
    • Holy Tuesday
    • Holy Wednesday
    • Holy Thursday
    • Good Friday
    • Holy Saturday
    • Easter Sunday

    Palm Sunday honors the day when Jesus humbly rode into Israel’s capital city, cheered as the new King of the Jews—and as the Son of God who would usher in an eternal kingdom. A handful of days later, many who misinterpreted His mission called for His death. Jesus was sent to die by crucifixion on Friday and, through His sacrificial death, paid the ...

    Jesus had been teaching about the kingdom of God and His identity as the Jewish Messiah for about three years when the time came for Him to formally and publicly make that claim in Israel’s capital of Jerusalem (John 12:12-15). When He arrived, people greeted Him with a famous ancient symbol of victory—palm branches. The thousands of Jews carrying ...

    Jesus had spent the evening of Palm Sunday out of the city, and upon return the next day, he taught in the temple of Jerusalem. He shared parables that used simple imagery to explain the kingdom of God. The Jewish leaders thought he was being blasphemous by doing so and questioned him (Matthew 21:23). Later, as he walked through the temple, Jesus b...

    Gospel accounts suggest that on Tuesday, Jesus continued to publicize His message by teaching parables in the temple. The parable of the tenants in particular (Matthew 21:33-44) depicts a dramatic and even violent reflection of Jesus’ eventual sacrifice—an assignment from His Heavenly Father. Jesus also addresses the end times, the kingdom of God, ...

    Jesus’ popularity had reached an apex with His entry into Jerusalem (John 12:19), and the Jewish religious leaders ramped up their efforts to rid themselves of Him. Between (alleged) blasphemy, public miracles, and blatant attacks on the religious establishment, they had now compiled what they believed was sufficient reason to take action. On Wedne...

    To some, Maundy Thursday may seem like an archaic, mysterious name. Is it a noun? An adjective? What does it have to do with Jesus? It turns out that maundy comes from the Latin mandatum, where we get the word “mandate” (a word much more familiar to us). The mandate, or command, in question is Jesus’ command that His followers love one another (Joh...

    The Gospel writers create a stark contrast between Palm Sunday and Good Friday, between the crowds shouting “Hosanna!” and “Crucify him!” After Judas betrays Jesus (identifying Him to Roman guards with a kiss), Jesus is quickly carted through one ordeal after another. First, He is taken to the Jewish high priest, Caiaphas, who is joined by other el...

    The Gospels are somewhat silent about what happened on Holy Saturday. In fact, only Matthew gives explicit details about the day’s events (Matthew 26:62-66). The details about the guard at the tomb are imperative when reflecting on the numerous alternative explanations for the empty tomb that have circulated for centuries. Matthew’s account makes i...

    Finally, we come to one of the most important dayson the Christian calendar and the culmination of the Holy Week timeline. The first Easter morning began quietly, not with the fanfare now associated with the holiday. Like Jesus’ birth, the day involved several unlikely witnesses to a miracle and an appearance and message from an angel. In one Gospe...

  3. Mar 25, 2024 · Bible Verses: Matthew 27:62-66. Easter Sunday: Meaning: Resurrection of Jesus. Importance: Victory over sin and death, the foundation of the Christian faith. Bible Verses: Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18.

    • Doug Bookman
  4. Apr 21, 2019 · The week following Easter Sunday is called "Bright Week," and refers to the light that Jesus has brought into the world. In biblical terms, Jesus rose on the "eighth day," which symbolically...

    • Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. On the Sunday before his death, Jesus began his trip to Jerusalem, knowing that soon he would lay down his life for our sins.
    • On Monday, Jesus Clears the Temple. The following morning, Jesus returned with his disciples to Jerusalem. Along the way, he cursed a fig tree because it had failed to bear fruit.
    • On Tuesday, Jesus Goes to the Mount of Olives. On Tuesday morning, Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem. They passed the withered fig tree on their way, and Jesus spoke to his companions about the importance of faith.
    • Holy Wednesday. The Bible doesn't say what the Lord did on the Wednesday of Passion Week. Scholars speculate that after two exhausting days in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of Passover.
  5. Apr 27, 2014 · Few of us remember those Sundays that come the week after Easter. By then the pastel finery is packed away in our closets. The lunch is not as great. The anticipation for corporate worship has dropped down from the seasonal high we felt just a week before.

  6. Mar 28, 2024 · It starts with Palm Sunday, when Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem. The week leads us through the Last Supper, His crucifixion, and ends on Easter Sunday with His resurrection.

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