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  1. Feb 7, 2023 · What are Four Macro Skills of Communication? We often think communication is limited to what we say or hear, but that's not the case. Language is expressed in four ways: reading, speaking, writing and listening.

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  3. What are the four macro-skills? Language teaching covers four macro-skills needed for communicating – listening, speaking, reading and writing. Good language teachers plan lessons, and sequences of lessons, which include a mixture of all the macro-skills, rather than focusing on developing only one macro-skill at a time. Oral skills Literacy ...

  4. These are called the four "language skills": Skill #1: Listening; Skill #2: Speaking; Skill #3: Reading; Skill #4: Writing; The four language skills are related to each other in two ways: the direction of communication (in or out) the method of communication (spoken or written)

  5. Language teaching covers four macro-skills needed for communicating – listening, speaking, reading and writing. Good language teachers plan lessons, and sequences of lessons, which include a mixture of all the macro-skills, rather than focusing on developing only one macro-skill at a time.

  6. This module features lessons and resources that focus on how to teach the four basic macro skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing. We will also look at how to teach a number of micro skills: Pronunciation, Literacy, and Grammar.

  7. Sep 29, 2022 · Macro skills focus more on fluency, discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic options. For example, the macros skills of speaking skills can be seen below: Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situations, participants, and goals.

  8. He explains that alignment basically means the "perfect match" of four things, namely: 1. what is important for the learners to learn; 2. what we teach them; 3. how we teach them; and 4. what we...

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