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  1. Nov 15, 2020 · The Reign of God is the subject of Jesusinaugural address (see Mark 1:15, Matthew 4:17, and Luke 4:14–30), his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), and the majority of his parables.

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  3. Jan 20, 2017 · Christians divide somewhat on how they understand the reign of the millennium, but all the ultimate hope for all Christians is the new heaven and the new earth, the home of righteousness where God will be all in all, and all will see him as King.

  4. Jul 31, 2014 · The reign of God is the love of God according to which we live, and when the reign of God is lived by all of us, when it's come to its fullness in everyone, but especially the...

  5. Jesus’ use of the expression “Reign of God”: - Escatological (not perennial) meaning: The new era is beginning. - “Reign of God” designates (a.) God’s royal activity, (b.) its benefits. - Already present in germ; later, in fullness. B. Programmatic Texts.

    • God’s Reign
    • God’s People
    • God’s Place
    • Jesus and The Kingdom of God

    The kingdom is first and foremost a statement about God. God is king, and he is coming as king to set right what our sin made wrong. The phrase “kingdom of God” could just as easily be translated “reign of God” or “kingship of God.” The message of the kingdom is about God’s royal power directed by his self-giving love. Claiming that the kingdom of ...

    God the Creator-King reigns over all his creatures, but he also reignsthroughhis people. This was his design from the beginning. Adam and Eve were commissioned as royal representatives of the king, called to steward his creation and spread the blessings of his reign throughout the earth. Instead, they chose to seek their own path to power and glory...

    The Bible is the story of God making his good creation a glorious kingdom. It all started in the garden, where God commissioned his people to go to the ends of the earth to make the rest of the world like Eden. The garden kingdom was meant to become a global kingdom where people would rejoice and the world would flourish under God’s loving reign. A...

    This understanding of the kingdom of God may be new to you, but it would not have been surprising to the first-century crowds listening to Jesus. Their collective hope was that God would come as king to redeem his people and restore his creation. What surprised them about Jesus’s proclamation was not what the kingdom is, butwho would bring it and h...

    • Jeremy Treat
  6. Nov 19, 2020 · Jesus teaches that right relationship (i.e., love) is the ultimate and daily criterion. If a social order allows and encourages strong connectedness between people and creation, people and each other, people and God, then you have a truly sacred culture: the Reign of God.

  7. From promises in the Book of Genesis to Abraham and Sarah for a new land, a son, and countless descendants (chapter 17), to promises in the Book of Revelation of a "new heaven and a new earth" (21:1), God was helping biblical people live into the vision of creation's ultimate goal.

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