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  1. Learn more about the intelligence of fish and the cruelty involved in catching them for sport or food. Also, learn how PETA saves animals. On Father's Day, activists take to the water with their sights on dads who are teaching their kids to abuse animals.

  2. PETA is distributing leaflets that show an angry cartoon father figure ripping apart a fish. Plastered over the picture in big letters, it says, "Your Daddy Kills Animals."

  3. In the past the company has passed out pamphlets such as "Your Daddy Kills Animals", and "Your Mommy Kills Animals", both warning children from letting their "addicted to killing" parents have contact with their pets.

  4. Can you imagine telling a child that if their dad fishes, he might kill the family cat? PETA activists–as distinguished from many of its naive contributors–are zealots and bullies.

  5. Attachment to an animal (e.g., the child kills an animal to prevent its torture by another individual). Animal phobias (that cause a preemptive attack on a feared animal).

  6. PETA has also released an anti-fishing comic-style pamplet, entitled Your Daddy KILLS Animals, in which it writes, "Imagine that a man dangles a piece of candy in front of you. As you grab the candy, a huge metal hook stabs through your hand and you're ripped off the ground.

  7. Narcissists may neglect and abuse your pet. Your pet is seen by the narcissist as a distraction from putting your full attention on them. Watch for these signs.

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