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  1. be able to understand. If you need to know the meaning of a specific word or phrase, you can refer to your KJV Bible Glossary & Dictionary for many of such words and phrases. The more words for which you know the meaning, the better reader you will be in every subject. This booklet was created specially for this purpose.

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    • Searching Our Anxious HeartsLink
    • The Lord Is My Portionlink
    • Help and Protection Are Nearbylink
    • New Mercies For New Burdenslink

    At the core of these anxieties lies an unhealthy, unhelpful, and unbiblical self-reliance that simply cannot bear the burdens of life. God never meant for self-reliance to carry that weight for us. A mentor once said to me, “Anxiety comes when we look at our circumstances and then look at our ability, but faith comes when we look at our circumstanc...

    The Lord is not just a portion generically, but the author of Lamentations recognizes that the Lord is his portion. On the other side of the cross, we know better than anyone in history that the gospel purchases this portion for us: eternity with full joy in the presence of God (Psalm 16:11). Lamentations 3:22–24reminds us that, in Christ, the Lord...

    My son has struggled recently with fear more than ever before. He’s scared to go to sleep at naptime and at bedtime. We’ve reassured him that we have a safe house, that all the doors are locked, and that Mommy and Daddy will do everything we can to protect him. What we’ve realized, though, is that what he needs more than anything is to have someone...

    What does all this mean for today’s burdens? First, the very reality of these new mercies from God each morning means we shouldn’t be discouraged by barely making it through a day. Many days leave us broken, beat-up, and barely hoping. That’s okay. There was enough mercy for that day. There will be more in the morning. Fix your eyes on Jesus, and c...

  2. · wisdomWISDOM OF THE BIBLE

    Wisdom teachings of the Bible follow from the two great themes of the Ten Commandments (Appendix 1) and the Greatest Commandments of Jesus (Appendix 2): reverence to God, our Creator, and respect for all persons, everywhere.

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  3. Mar 30, 2017 · We know that Jesus can help us to obey even when we are tired, because HE HIMSELF obeyed when He was tired. The “weariness” that :6 indicates that Jesus had there at Jacob’s well was only the backdrop of the story.

  4. Apr 11, 2016 · Jeremiah 6:16. Have you ever felt so tired from all the pressures of life and work and that no matter how many times you take a day off or go on a vacation, the passion just never comes back? A lot of professionals have succumbed to the lack of passion for what they do even though it was once there.

  5. A second Hebrew word refers to the meat of certain kinds of animals that was ritually defiling, whether touched or eaten (Lv 11:10-13). A third word designates three-day-old sacrificial meat (Lv 7:18). A fourth word refers almost exclusively to idolatrous objects of pagan origin (Jer 4:1; 7:30).

  6. Dec 22, 2022 · The “day of the Lord” is what the apostle Peter is referring to in his second letter, as he warns followers of Jesus to stay ready and holy in anticipation of the second coming of Christ. As he writes, “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.

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