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  1. One lethal chemical – cardiac glycoside digoxin – can be found in a common garden flower, while the deadliest can be seen in many hospitals; just 2kg would be enough to wipe out the whole of...

  2. The Best: Deadly Poisons, Ingested or Inhaled. 1. Botulinum (ingested) It’s hard to rank the lethality of toxins, but experts agree that botulinum – several orders of magnitude deadlier than ...

  3. Ethylene glycol (antifreeze): Ethylene glycol is the top ingredient in antifreeze, among other chemical substances. And “it’s actually one of the No. 1 homicidal poisons in the United States ...

  4. Products that cause chemical burns include drain openers, toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, and oven cleaners. Inhalation of bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, the contents of laundry detergent pods, oven and drain cleaners are also poison hazards.

  5. Its LD50 is tiny – at most 1 nanogram per kilogram can kill a human. Extrapolating from its effect on mice, an intravenous dose of just 10-7 g would be fatal to a 70kg person.

  6. Ricin is one of the most dangerous poisons in the world. Just a few milligrams of the naturally-occurring, carbohydrate-binding protein are enough to kill someone when injected, swallowed or...

  7. A couple of weeks later, the results revealed the culprit: carbofuran­, a neurotoxic chemical that is one of history’s deadliest pesticides. A quarter teaspoon can kill a 400-pound bear in minutes. It’s especially lethal for birds.

  1. Searches related to chemicals that kill people

    chemicals that kill humans