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  1. Top results related to does login login page remember?

  2. Jan 15, 2021 · Turn off the "Cookies and other site data". You can also turn it on and add exceptions for the sites for which you want to retain your login data (authentication cookies). Hope this helps!

  3. Aug 7, 2014 · 1. With ASP.NET Core this functionality sets the login cookie persistence so it is either cleared when the browser closes or it is retained. This is a very specific thing. If a user ticks "remember me", then closes and later re-opens their browser, they will be still be logged in if the server didn't otherwise time-out the session.

  4. Jul 9, 2018 · "Remember Me" is typically used to remember the email address/user name of the user that logs in, so they only need to enter their password on subsequent visits. Contrary to other answers, I would say that the password is almost certainly not remembered as a matter of practice.

  5. Dec 15, 2020 · Does it remember their email address or password, or both? Is it storing their authentication session or data input? How long is it stored? Many questions surround the ambiguous “remember me” option. The reason the option exists is to safeguard users who log in from a public or shared computer.

  6. Assuming you already have a website that implements all of the standard login stuff, what is the correct and most secure way to allow users to automatically be logged in for a certain time period (let's say 30 days)?

  7. Aug 14, 2023 · Alternatively, there is a “Remember Me” option in the WordPress login form, which will allow you to stay logged in and reach the admin dashboard for a few days without the need to log in again (based on how your cookies are set): The “remember me” option on the WordPress login form.

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