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  1. God speaks to Abraham and tells him he must sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. In an act of supreme faith, Abraham takes Isaac out, and, as we can see in both of these panels, is ready to slit the child’s throat.

  2. In Filippo Brunelleschi: Early years. Brunelleschi’s trial panel depicting The Sacrifice of Isaac is the high point of his career as a sculptor. His ability to arrest narrative action at the moment of its greatest dramatic impact and the vigorous gestures and animated expressions of the figures account for the merit of his panel.…

  3. Bruelleschi & Ghiberti, The Sacrifice of Isaac. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker provide a description, historical perspective, and analysis of Brunelleschi’ and Ghiberti’s competition panels.

  4. Aug 28, 2021 · Conventionally, we make the Florentine Renaissance begin with the celebrated competition of 1401, when two of the greatest artists of the time, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Filippo Brunelleschi, competed for the North Gate of the Baptistery of Florence. Here's how things went down.

  5. Aug 31, 2020 · The bronze panel showing Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac by the Italian Renaissance artist and architect Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446 CE). The panel was created in 1401 CE as a trial piece for the competition to see who would receive the commission for the bronze doors of Florence's Baptistery.

  6. Jun 12, 2024 · The chosen subject was the biblical story of the sacrifice of Isaac. Competing artists included Niccolò d’Arezzo, Simone da Colle, Jacopo della Quercia, Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti, Francesco di Valdambrino, Lorenzo Ghiberti, and Filippo Brunelleschi, of which two were chosen as winners.

  7. May 29, 2012 · Seven artists competed by submitting a bronze plaque on the “Sacrifice of Isaac,” to be judged by a committee of thirty-four native-born citizens of Florence. The competition quickly narrowed down to Lorenzo Ghiberti and Filippo Brunelleschi.

  8. Brunelleschi’s trial panel depicting The Sacrifice of Isaac is the high point of his career as a sculptor. His ability to arrest narrative action at the moment of its greatest dramatic impact and the vigorous gestures and animated expressions of the figures account for the merit of his panel.

  9. Seven sculptors, among them Lorenzo Ghiberti (ca. 1378 — 1455) and Filippo Brunelleschi, took part in the contest. Their task was to complete a bronze relief of the Sacrifice of Isaac. The competition, and thus the commission for the doors, was won by Ghiberti.

  10. Sep 2, 2020 · Brunelleschi's trial panel for the competition survives and shows the story from the Old Testament of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. The panel, measuring around 53 x 44 cm, is now in the Bargello Museum of Florence.

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