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  1. Distractions can come from all angles – in ways we least expect, from people we don’t expect, at times we aren’t expecting. And they can end up costing us time, happiness, peace, relationships, money and success. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT DISTRACTIONS? Distractions from everyday work, goals and life in general can be frustrating,

  2. Distractions. “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is” (Ephesians 5:15-17). God has given us the gift of life for His purposes, not ours.

  3. Each example presents a different perspective on how distractions can hinder progress and lead to unexpected outcomes. Intrigued? Let’s dive into the distractions found in the Bible and discover the lessons they hold for us. Are you ready to overcome the obstacles that hinder your spiritual growth?

    • define distraction in the bible pdf version1
    • define distraction in the bible pdf version2
    • define distraction in the bible pdf version3
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    • define distraction in the bible pdf version5
    • The Strange Purpose of Parableslink
    • God’s Counterintuitive Wayslink
    • Familiar, Affluent, and Distractedlink
    • Pay Much Closer Attentionlink

    Jesus issues this warning in the context of telling a series of parables. Parables were riddle-stories in which Jesus hid profound secrets of God’s kingdom in brief, often mundane-sounding metaphors. In the stories recorded in Mark 4, he uses a farmer’s soils (Mark 4:1–8), an oil lamp (Mark 4:21–25), and seeds (Mark 4:26–32). Read them. Do you unde...

    If Jesus’s words here sound counterintuitive, they are. Jesus spoke and acted in ways consistent with God’s words and ways throughout the Bible, captured in this text: I’ve seen this passage, or some portion of it, quoted on Christian memes, calendars, and greeting cards, often with a beautiful inspirational landscape, seascape, or skyscape in the ...

    The key qualifier is if we’re paying attention. Because, as Jesus said, if we’re not paying attention to what God says, we will miss what God is doing. That’s a costly distraction. By God’s grace, we do have an advantage over Jesus’s original hearers: we have God’s authoritative, written word. In fact, never have so many Christians had so much acce...

    “Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it” (Hebrews 2:1). If we’re not paying attention, we may not even realize we’re drifting. We can look around and see lots of other distracted, dull Christians who talk Jesus’s talk without walking Jesus’s walk, figure it must be normal, and assume we’re doin...

  4. Dec 6, 2016 · We’re becoming conditioned to distraction, and it’s harming our ability to listen and think carefully, to be still, to pray, and to meditate. Which means it is a spiritual danger, an evil from which we need God’s deliverance (Matthew 6:13).

  5. Jan 26, 2024 · Distractions have consequences that can affect every aspect of your life. Most importantly, it can affect every relationship in your life if you don’t address it properly. 3 Perils of Distraction in the Christian Life. Psalm 46:10 tells us to be still and know that he is God.

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  7. Jan 12, 2016 · Distractions: Full Version. Talk about the world and distractions: The world is full of distractions. Moreover, the world is full of things that may distract us from following God. The devil appeals to every group of individuals differently.

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