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  1. According to Lee Yun-keol (as reported by Wen Wei Po), chairman of the North Korea Strategy Information Service Center, Kim Jong-chul personally led the arrest of his uncle Jang Song-thaek in 2013. Some analysts believe that this signalled an expanded role for Kim Jong-chul in the North Korean regime.

  2. Aug 11, 2023 · Wen Wei Po reported that Kim Jong Chul personally led his arrest. Jang was accused of being a counter-revolutionary and expelled from the Worker’s Party of Korea. His image was even digitally...

  3. Jul 29, 2019 · Speaking with NK News, Kim Dong Chul said he spied for the CIA for around six years before being caught and sent to a labor camp, where he suffered torture at the hands of his North Korean guards.

  4. While it's not exactly clear what led him to be passed over for his younger brother, Kenji Fujimoto, a pseudonym for Kim Jong Il's personal sushi chef, later wrote in his memoir that the...

    • Kim Hak Song. Authorities are believed to have arrested Kim Hok Song, who was in North Korea for several weeks working at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), as he was about to leave the country on May 6, 2017.
    • Tony Kim. Tony Kim, also known by his Korean name Kim Sang Duk, was also a teacher at PUST. Few further details are known about the man, believed to be in his 50s, who was abducted at the airport in Pyongyang while trying to leave the country on April 22, 2017.
    • Kim Dong Chul. South Korea-born Kim Dong Chul, 62, was arrested in Oct. 2015 on charges of espionage and other undisclosed crimes. Kim is a naturalized U.S. citizen and resident of Fairfax, Va., who ran a trade and hotel services firm in the special administrative zone between China and the DPRK.
  5. May 9, 2018 · The longest-imprisoned American in North Korea is Kim Dong-chul, in his mid-60s. North Korean authorities arrested him in October 2015 and later sentenced him to 10 years of hard labor for...

  6. It is widely believed that Kim Jong-nam was murdered on the orders of Kim Jong Un. Four North Korean suspects, later confirmed as spies, left the airport shortly after the assassination and reached Pyongyang without being arrested. Other North Koreans were arrested but were released without charge.

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