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      • Urban planners create practical and visually pleasing urban areas, including buildings, open spaces, and landscapes. Their skill lies in bringing together ideas from developers, local communities, architects, planners, engineers, landscape architects, and transport planners to resolve problems and conflicts and create enhanced urban spaces. › architect › urban-planner
  1. Oct 18, 2023 · A city planner, sometimes known as an urban planner, develops and assesses projects for land, municipalities, community areas, and other urban locations. They evaluate inefficient and outdated facilities to maintain code enforcement and reconstruction.

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  3. An urban planner works to create and implement plans for the development of cities, towns, and other urban areas. Urban planners use their knowledge of land use, zoning laws, transportation systems, and other urban infrastructure to help guide the growth and development of communities.

  4. Jan 23, 2024 · They apply this vision when designing various built spaces, including streets, parks, squares, neighborhoods, towns, and even entire cities. Urban planners create detailed drawings using artistic or graphics skills, converting their vision into technical drawings.

    • Strategic Urban Planning ‍ Strategic urban planning focuses on setting high-level goals and determining desired areas of growth for a city or metropolitan area.
    • Land-Use Planning. Land-use planning largely concerns legislation and policy, adopting planning instruments like governmental statutes, regulations, rules, codes, and policies to influence land use.
    • Master Planning. Master planning is typically used for greenfield development projects, or building on undeveloped land. Instead of modifying pre-existing structures or spaces, you’re starting from scratch.
    • Urban Revitalization. In contrast to master planning, urban revitalization focuses on improving areas that are in a state of decline. The exact definition of a declining area will differ from city to city—for example, areas that have a troubling number of failing businesses or a stagnant or decreasing population growth.
    • Overview
    • Early history

    urban planning, design and regulation of the uses of space that focus on the physical form, economic functions, and social impacts of the urban environment and on the location of different activities within it. Because urban planning draws upon engineering, architectural, and social and political concerns, it is variously a technical profession, an endeavour involving political will and public participation, and an academic discipline. Urban planning concerns itself with both the development of open land (“greenfields sites”) and the revitalization of existing parts of the city, thereby involving goal setting, data collection and analysis, forecasting, design, strategic thinking, and public consultation. Increasingly, the technology of geographic information systems (GIS) has been used to map the existing urban system and to project the consequences of changes. In the late 20th century the term sustainable development came to represent an ideal outcome in the sum of all planning goals. As advocated by the United Nations-sponsored World Commission on Environment and Development in Our Common Future (1987), sustainability refers to “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” While there is widespread consensus on this general goal, most major planning decisions involve trade-offs between subsidiary objectives and thus frequently involve conflict.

    The modern origins of urban planning lie in a social movement for urban reform that arose in the latter part of the 19th century as a reaction against the disorder of the industrial city. Many visionaries of the period sought an ideal city, yet practical considerations of adequate sanitation, movement of goods and people, and provision of amenities also drove the desire for planning. Contemporary planners seek to balance the conflicting demands of social equity, economic growth, environmental sensitivity, and aesthetic appeal. The result of the planning process may be a formal master plan for an entire city or metropolitan area, a neighbourhood plan, a project plan, or a set of policy alternatives. Successful implementation of a plan usually requires entrepreneurship and political astuteness on the part of planners and their sponsors, despite efforts to insulate planning from politics. While based in government, planning increasingly involves private-sector participation in “public-private partnerships.”

    Evidence of planning has been unearthed in the ruins of cities in China, India, Egypt, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean world, and South and Central America. Early examples of efforts toward planned urban development include orderly street systems that are rectilinear and sometimes radial; division of a city into specialized functional quarters; development of commanding central sites for palaces, temples, and civic buildings; and advanced systems of fortification, water supply, and drainage. Most of the evidence is in smaller cities that were built in comparatively short periods as colonies. Often the central cities of ancient states grew to substantial size before they achieved governments capable of imposing controls.

    For several centuries during the Middle Ages, there was little building of cities in Europe. Eventually towns grew up as centres of church or feudal authority, of marketing or trade. As the urban population grew, the constriction caused by walls and fortifications led to overcrowding, the blocking out of air and light, and very poor sanitation. Certain quarters of the cities, either by custom or fiat, were restricted to different nationalities, classes, or trades, as still occurs in many contemporary cities of the developing world.

    The physical form of medieval and Renaissance towns and cities followed the pattern of the village, spreading along a street or a crossroads in circular patterns or in irregular shapes, though rectangular patterns tended to characterize some of the newer towns. Most streets were little more than footpaths—more a medium for communication than for transportation—and even in major European cities paving was not widely introduced before the 12th century (1184 in Paris, 1235 in Florence, and 1300 in Lübeck). As the population of the city grew, walls were often expanded, but few cities at the time exceeded a mile in length. Sometimes sites were changed, as in Lübeck, and many new cities emerged with increasing population—frequently about one day’s walk apart. Towns ranged in population from several hundred to perhaps 40,000 (as in London in the late 14th century, although London’s population had been as high as 80,000 before the arrival of the Black Death). Paris and Venice were exceptions, reaching 100,000.

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    Conscious attempts to plan cities reemerged in Europe during the Renaissance. Although these efforts partly aimed at improving circulation and providing military defense, their prime objective was often the glorification of a ruler or a state. From the 16th century to the end of the 18th, many cities were laid out and built with monumental splendour. The result may have pleased and inspired the citizens, but it rarely contributed to their health, to the comfort of their homes, or to efficiency in manufacturing, distribution, and marketing.

    • Susan S. Fainstein
  5. Oct 19, 2023 · Layers of information can be created with GIS, enabling city planners to find everything they need on one computerized map. For example, say a city wants to plan a community garden in an urban neighborhood. The city planner uses GIS to locate all residential property in the city.

  6. An urban planner (also known as town planner) is a professional who practices in the field of town planning, urban planning or city planning.

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