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  1. Secretary of the Treasury (or an Assistant Secretary designated by the Secretary of the Treasury), Chairman and the vice chair of the Joint Committee on the Library. Librarian of Congress. Two persons appointed by the President for a term of five years each.

  2. Royalty Judges, who are appointed by the Librarian of Congress. 3 The General Counsel serves as counsel to the Executive Committee. ORGANIZATION CHART As of July 3, 2023 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Carla Hayden * Center for Learning, Librarian of Congress J. Mark Sweeney* Principal Deputy Librarian of Congress Robin L. Dale*

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  3. The Office of the Librarian is the administrative branch of the Library of Congress and has overall management responsibility for the Library. It sets policy and directs and supports programs and activities to accomplish the Library’s mission.

  4. The Library of Congress (LOC) is a research library in Washington, D.C. that serves as the library and research service of the U.S. Congress and the de facto national library of the United States. [3] It also administers copyright law through the United States Copyright Office.

  5. The librarian of Congress is the head of the Library of Congress, appointed by the president of the United States with the advice and consent of the United States Senate, [2] for a term of ten years. [3]

  6. The Library of Congress provides Congress with objective research to inform the legislative process, administers the national copyright system, and manages the largest collection of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in the world.

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  8. Aug 16, 2024 · The Library of Congress serves members, committees, and staff of the U.S. Congress, other government agencies, libraries throughout the country and the world, and the scholars, researchers, artists, and scientists who use its resources.

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